If I had written that article, my copy editor would have thrown his OED at me.
If I had written that article, my copy editor would have thrown his OED at me.
You’re sitting on your couch, your bag of Fire-Hot Takis beside you. You reach for your laptop. You comment. Ah. That felt so good.
Ewoks are still, and forever, a fucking abomination. Their ONLY positive attribute is that they’re slightly less horrible than Jar-Jar.
Isn’t writing in the second person something we were taught not to do in freshman creative writing?
I too tend to avoid DLC unless A) its for a game I can pump hours and hours into ala Destiny, or B) the DLC gets rave reviews.
Agreed for the most part. I mean bravo on the whole main trilogy of Arkham, but I guess you can’t get EVERYTHING perfect ya know? That being said, sure, Tank battles were kinda tedious and generic, but COME ON! BAT TANK! Ha.
Literally, you’re a pedant. Figuratively, if you get this worked up over internet commentary, your heart is going to explode.
you’re right and i think this author (a feminist) and her editor (me, also a feminblahablawef) would agree with you—within the first section of this piece she specifically says that false allegations are so serious that we need to “discuss false allegation narratives more, not less”
Eh. This is one issue where I diverge greatly from feminists on, probably due to my ethnicity. As a black man in America, I just can’t be so dismissive of the the existence of false allegations of rape and the impact that they have when they occur. Many an African-American man in the early-mid 20th century ended up…
And then there are people like me whose ideal indoor temp is 65-68. Staying with friends is a torture situation for me because everyone seems to keep their homes in the 72-75 range and I feel like I’m suffocating. My office could not possibly get cold enough for me to complain about it.
“Harley Quinn’s one of the most popular new Batman characters to appear in the last few years.”
I just want to point something out: though I’m hesitant to tell people what they should or shouldn’t criticize, I think it’s... misguided to complain or worry about Fallout 4’s graphics right now. What’s more important is that this trailer looks real, which is more than we could say for all the bullshots and CGI…
And even now with such a BLATANT example of white privilege we still have people claiming that there’s no white privilege.
White privilege is having agents of the state and a presidential candidate protect you despite being an incestuous child rapist. Imagine if this dude wasn’t a white guy. It’s truly baffling so many people are unwilling/unable to have a modicum of empathy for people like Tamir Rice but are more than willing to defend…
Maybe i’ve spent too many years on MUDS, MUCKS and whatnot, but for me, how the game plays matters far more to me then how shiny it looks.
So by your logic, a female version of Thor or a black Captain America is totally cool as long as its in a separate universe? Their own character with the same name. How is that any different? At least the mantle bearers in the 616 stuff are an evolution of a path these story lines have been heading towards. Does it…
I'm a book guy, and I think I'm pretty much done with the whole thing. The story's plot-driven—there's not much joy to be taken from Martin's prose if you know where things are going—and once the show surpasses the books, there'll be nothing left for me. And it's too late now to start the TV show from the beginning,…
Welcome to Midweek Madness, where we melt our brains down to a thick, soupy liquid, load it into squirt guns, and…