
This happens with every online game launch. I'll just wait for them to iron out the kinks, I consider the first few weeks of an online game launch still in the beta. No reason to get mad, just wait it out unless you want to be a "tester". GTA V has plenty of single player to tide me over til the multi-player is fixed

While I agree that Edge is just as Pro-Sony as Kotaku, everyone do themselves a favor and go look at the Edge article. These anonymous devs state drivers for both systems are horrible right now, and while the article is still negative towards the XB1, it's not nearly as negative as the sensational and selective

In today's headlines, Kotaku and commenters bash Kickstarter and Ouya. In other compelling news, the sun rose.

I also love his defense of using the word that its just so commonly used that its OK. It isn't. Just like me, as a white guy, I can't say the N word even though I hear a lot when I'm with my friends and my wife is black. Its offensive; plain and simple.

I'm all for being hyperbolic, but there are better ways to

I said it the other day, and I'll reiterate: there is a tremendous problem with people who refer to themselves as Angry/Annoyed/Sarcastic/Whatever. The people whose entire raison d'etre is basically to bitch about things. They are utterly useless. Sure, sometimes they're funny, and sometimes they're saying what we're

As much as I hate Phil Fish for his racist remark last year... who is this Marcus Beer and why should we give a damn about him? What has HE done aside bitching and moaning? At least Fish MADE AN ACTUAL VIDEO GAME.

With games from significantly more capable developers, significantly better backend and frontend software, and an actually good camera accessory.

Nothing. You'll still get people claiming it does though. The only thing separating the two at this point is price and kinect.

Cue the "Well, PlayStation 4 lets me..."

Read the article again with a between the lines interpreter on...

Was thinking the same thing...

The issue that the Xbox one and the PS4 seem to be having is that: Only sheeple truly care about graphics. Better graphics just causes a shallower(sic) experience. For what? immersion? Hahahahaha! Games that are like 10 years old are more immersive then the crap released this gen. I've felt more immersed in games

Graphics yes, of course, the next gen will have better of them. For the case of Ryse, it looks like the most un-promising action game i have seen in my life. Its a : two slash QTE game... Nothing impressive and new here. I remember having been bored to death by the trailer they show us at the E3, it was like QTE

I think the Visual impact of gaming is being reduced from generation to generation. From now on the feature lists is whats going to truly show the changes.

Sadly we're into the era where the diminishing returns of graphics are very apparent.

When open-world games come out ((skyrim, GTA SA. 3, VC, Just Cause 2, etc))