
Or, you cook your shit the way you want and whoever wants to, can cook their shit the way they want.

TBF, police around the world are used to oppress minorities, political dissidents, and labor movements. This isn’t just a USA thing, it’s everywhere, including in the so-called model democracies in Europe. I agree that getting worked up about cops in fiction is a bit much, but I can guarantee that the cops in your

Fuck this. Once they start sending normal people to these places instead of celebrities and richies then I would think it is ok. Even though I think our justice system is a joke and is basically designed to crush people into subhuman beasts I am tired of entitled assholes getting the white glove treatment.

A white guy who got rich off apartheid is gonna be just fine for his entire life.

Weird Nerds™ inbound to educate us all how loosing over 1/3rd of his personal wealth yet another example of his genius.

Who is running this site now? The Hebrew Isrealites are as legitimate a religion as any other. The antisemetic trope (buzz word used to not actually address what was said or done) is that blacks descend from Tribes of Judah, so they are Jew. Hebrew Isrealites are not terrorist unless you are counting screaming on

Careful! Your slip is showing! I see you’re from the Ignorance Is Bliss Community. Where was/is your righteous outrage for the hate, racism, lynchings (to name a few) that are hurled at African-American people 24/7? What about chattel slavery? What about the Transatlantic Slave Trade? It's hypocritical that your

Your ignorance is showing! African-American people CANNOT be anti-semitic. The concept is asinine. Your willful ignorance doesn't have any effect on the truth. 

What white people, generally the ones who are quite white supremacists but tend to tolerate them more than others, hate more than anything is being reminded that they’re white. So even a nebulously racial (not even racist) name like cracker can make some of them uncomfortable.

It’s more the weirdos who think cracker is somehow equivalent to the N word because they want to create a justification for saying the N word

Yeah, anyone who claims they’re offended by “cracker” is actually just mad that they can’t use the n-word.

Its more, white people get mad because they desperately want something to be offended over so things are “equal”

The core gameplay is still fun, challenging and different in every game. So, like, I like OW2. But everything outside of that core gameplay loop leaves so much to be desired. So I really hope they make substantial changes in season 3.

I understand that there’s a boot that needs licking, but can you please read the actual article before going off on your ignorant rant? The workers’ actions were probably protected by federal labor law since the root cause was Elon Musk sexually harassing an employee. From the link in the article:

It is wonderful seeing his carefully crafted persona get dragged in the mud, because that is where this piece of shit belongs.

Good. Terrible music made by a POS of a person and deserves his fate. Do us all a favor and take her stank-ass as well. Both are worthless meat-bags and are a waste of so many things including oxygen.

You sound bitter. 

Empathy is good...just don’t demand a higher level of deference toward your suffering over ours. Simple.

At this point, I believe Black people being labeled anti-Semitic should be put in quotations since its being misapplied. The Jewish community is demonstrating that they believe they are above reproach and anything other than adoration for their plight during the holocaust is deemed “anti-Semitic”. They don’t care if

Half of the stuff you just posted isn’t connected to reality. It’s like claiming ultimate victimhood—its propaganda that no longer works. Keep this in mind: the historical suffering European Jews went through were at the hands of other Europeans - the holocaust was a European project; my folks, especially Black