
I’d just like to point out that she’s not white. “Martina Marie Garcia”? We need a new name for this, where nonwhite people *think* they’re white, and assume they get the privileges associated with it (because let’s be honest, a REAL white person probably wouldn’t have been arrested for doing this. If the cops even

Martina Marie Garciahuh...guess she thought her white appearance would get her some slack, NOPE!

Can’t wait for that dude to die

They’re fine with destroying the entire planet as long as they make money.

To Henry Cavill: Welcome to the world of literally every woman.

Sneaker customization has been a thing for decades. Nike had no problem with their “heavenly” custom shoe. This is more about what Jordan said that one time “Republicans buy sneakers too” and Republicans are currently throwing a hissy fit over the video and shoes.

Christ, don’t go to her twitter.  Full of non-stop crazy shit.  Maybe don’t say the first thing that pops in your vacant head Alice.  Sit a few out here and there.  You’ll look less retarded.

Seems like white female tears are always the driving force of so over it. 

Parents are upset cause they ain’t getting rich off the grift, ain’t nothing more than that. Notice their statements don’t talk about about the pain / anguish they feel when the see their childs name in the media, its all about (the assumptions / appearance) of clout.

FFS this statement says it all...

“Tamika Mallory

So glad someone mentioned this. Asian women aren't being forced to respond to these men with fetishes......

Well if we’re gonna examine that part of it, lets examine it in full and talk about Asian women’s participation in that fetishization. It’s not like those type of White men are clubbing Asian women over the head and dragging them home caveman-style; they’re going willingly.

Coronavirus is certainly a lot of it (at least here in the States), as well as a more long-term generalized feeling among many black and brown minorities that Asians (specifically east Asians) often receive better treatment and are insulated from a lot of the racial animus that’s pervasive in a variety of ways here in

Notice how as soon as criticism of racism popped up, she immediately went to claiming her life was literally in danger?

Of course the police aren’t looking into it; they probably helped the ku kuck klan get the addresses in the first place.

You want more cogs? Allow more immigrants and grant them paths to citizenship. BOOM. Problem solved.

Moderate Democrats are conservatives.

Get fisted, fuckface.

No I get to judge him for not thinking about the next black man who may find himself in that situation and may not have the benefit of being college educated, a professional and have the ability & means to afford quality legal help. You make a harsh example of this one so the next Karen that tries this shit thinks

So your main takeaway from her post is that she writes funny, not that there was some (at the least) creepy shit going on that they had to make a rule like that in the first place? She was like 14 years old.

Chicago resident here...fuck the CTU. They play hard ball, and here we are...but thing is, there is still a fucking pandemic going on. Kids are going to get sick, teachers are going to get sick, admin are going to get sick (see the trend)...but most importantly...ITS STILL A FUCKING PANDEMIC!!!

These students are not