
Honestly these things should be outlawed for non-commercial use, and IF an American so desperately wants one force them to pay an insurance premium to get them on the road.

No PvE, no care. 

Protesting a genocide is not being anti semitic you dumb cunt

Found the uptight hipster that got kicked out of Harlem 

Found the stupid hot take

I always got the feeling that the people who wanted these so-called “Destiny Killers” to succeed the most are Destiny players themselves.”

I’d agree, and flat out quitting D2 and live service games in general was one of the best things I’ve done to enjoy gaming again. 

As a Destiny2 player, I was really looking for that new game as D2 started to fall off (and still is). I had such high hopes for Anthem, only for it to be a big let down.

Leave it to black twitter (aka bitter single women) to drag a dude who has gone through treatment to work on being a better person.

Black men are damned if we do, and damned if we don’t. At least his boss has more sense than the bitter bettys coming for his job. 

God-fearing man”

Calm down there white knights, she doesn’t know who you are. The “goalpost” is the 60 day timeline she shared, which is basically her EOL a business unit.

Like I said the first time, if (yes I am betting when) she misses the milestone aka moving the goalpost will it be reported?

I am guessing not as this isn’t the first

When she inevitably moves the goal post in 60 days, will you write another piece defending her?

Uninstalled launcher and all Blizzard games, and I am better off for it. Don’t continue to punch a brick wall by playing this game, you are only hurting yourself.

A sub par white woman screaming victim when in fact it that she sucks at the sport and was replaced by someone better.

Shocked I tell you, SHOCKED!

Boycott the NFL, black people that continue to support it are coons

Petty woman acting petty, shocking! 

Trans women aren’t women

Why black people think when they become a LEO the world will treat them differently?


At what point do start classifying Caucasians as a threat to society?

That pig fucker needs a bullet in the back of the head

I am sure if you dig a bit deeper MADD probably provided the asshole with awards and recognition.