
Fuck anyone that tries to downplay our concerns about Harris record as AG. This woman could very well end up being president, and we shouldn’t have to wait to see if she will act differently when in the white house. Get her to state her position on the record, and then we hold her accountable.

Yes yes this will ostraciz

die slowly of cancer you cuck

Might as well pull this down, NBA is back on track...fuck! What could have been the start of a powerful movement died within 24 hours. 

For accuracy, he used an AR-15 not an AK-47.

If only they had taken this hard stance after George Floyd...

Be prepared for the simps to show up and tell you how “it is normal”

When these women eventually get sick, not a single ounce of pity will be shed for the, 

Men that are upset with this song are the same dude who got up in their feels when artist like Lil Kim and Missy talked about sexuality. With that said, wtf is wrong with our women when it comes to this song and fighting on this hill. The amount of energy being poured into this is...strange. Think pieces, long ass

Wonder if the victims family are still in the loving/hugging mood?

No permit? Ok, I better not see any charges when someone eventually goes and defaces that disgusting piece of street “art”.

Play stupid games, die (while infecting countless others).

Play stupid games, die. 

He is eating steaks like 45!!!

It is fairly obvious because that is what you want to see. These hit/think pieces against cis black men are getting old....we are not the boogie man, not everything that happens within our communities is the cis hetero black mans fault.

At no point does the author talk about Megan’s lack of accountability (as in,

It is amazing how this article leaves out her and her crews hesitation when dealing with the police. For all of the bluster in this article, where is your critical view of her (as a woman) for what message she is sending to other victims of violence/abuse by keeping quite?

Addressing why she hadn’t said more to police at the time of the shooting, Megan said she wasn’t trying to protect anybody—“I just wasn’t ready to speak.” She also pushed back on the idea that she should be an open book about an incident that was clearly profoundly traumatic for her.”

This is why people are ragging on

So you rather never forget and not cast a vote against Trump...way to be a selfish AMERICAN. 

An unafraid black or latino woman”

fixed that for you, and before anyone says anything...latinx is a white people thing.

Antonio Clemente says he is of DR decent and thats why he hit her for that “black” comment. 

Someone needs to find him and kick his teeth in