
eh...this isn’t a race issue, just parents not following rules. also hair extensions is not hair color. 

Jesus you must be a blast at parties

You should have seen FB @ Afrotech trying to act like the black people they sent to the event don’t hate their own company. Very sunken place moment... 

I am a member of that sub-reddit, and i submitted my “blackness” and was verified. It is such a pleasant feeling telling an unverified person who is shuckin and jivin to fuck off with their agenda based posts.

I find it hard to understand why people of color choose to work in law enforcement. This isn’t unique and won’t be the last time a PoC voices their concerns and are ignored. 

get the fuck out of here with this shit

Sounds like King brought the receipts, and people still aren’t happy. Also this little gem probably was overlooked

“Movements are infiltrated all the time. There are chaos agents deployed to make sure movements don’t succeed and to make sure that activists waste their time needlessly.”

King’s message and action plan

Sounds like King brought the receipts, and people still aren’t happy. Also this little gem probably was overlooked

“Movements are infiltrated all the time. There are chaos agents deployed to make sure movements don’t succeed and to make sure that activists waste their time needlessly.”

King’s message and action plan

Two years is not enough. That student probably put at least 2.5-3 years of growth into those locs. That ref should be banned, flat out. 

If you relied on scatter arrow to be good at Hanzo, you were using pure luck and had minimal skill.


Make sure you aim that angst towards white men first

Disagreeing with someones shitty POV is somehow making it personal? LOL!

You can continue to reply with your toxic childish responses, I am done with you and this conversation. Bye!

PS: Have fun in bronze!

Ahh your true colors are showing. Have fun staying in Bronze!

You sound like an insufferable crybaby. What is awesome is I’ll never have to engage with you after this, be it here or in game (cause you sound like you play in silver)

Statistics allow for a clear unbiased assessment to take place. In the scenario you described, that DPS (and healer) wouldn’t be getting golds (maybe in bronze/silver ranking). For the DPS, you are going to get more kills capturing/defending thee point vs playing the map as a DM map. Same goes for healer, pocketing a

Not a fan of role que, or not a fan of getting match with what seems like shitty team mates?

Not to nitpick, but that is incorrect. As of July 2019...

Thats the problem with how the stats are laid out. If a DPS is terrible and still gets gold, the whole team doesn’t necessarily suck. Perfect example in 2/2/2 world...healers are 10K+ healing and tanks theoretically are 10k+ shield (or playing their specific tank archetype).

If a DPS sucks, no amount of healing or

You sir must not join general chat in game. I find it happens more in QP vs Comp, but still happens....some poor performing DPS will exclaim at the end of the round they got “gold kills and damage” as if it mitigates their poor performance.

If stats were presented holistically, it was squash those types of statements

102% this!

Your 9 picks don’t mean shit if you never touched the payload or got on the point. I don’t know HOW Blizzard can do this, but I would love if they punished players for playing the TEAM game as if it was DM.