Damn I want a replica katana! Congrats on that.
Damn I want a replica katana! Congrats on that.
Whew I need a beer..
Yeah Lost was snubbed left and right, but that's the Emmys for you.
@ding-dang: lol Brilliant!
Doc Jensen did have some pretty hilarious things to say about Lost. I always enjoyed watching Totally Lost...but even with his theories, I still enjoyed the show and it's ending.
Dammit I missed it!!
Wow that's incredible!
Hey careful with that Matrix 3-D. You might give them a reason for a reboot!
Reminder don't piss Poseidon off.
Dammit now I wanna watch Are You Afraid of the Dark..
lol that's pretty funny it flashes JACKPOT!
Well I already like the choices in Murphy and Newton, so this may just be a good movie. And who doesn't like a apocalypse-psychological-thriller
OMG stop with the remakes!!
So I wonder what voice this person used when asking for the money, their own or a James Earl Jones impression.
I love when you guys post this. It also reminds me that I hate the "In Soviet Russia the commenters ban YOU" comments.
JGL is awesome, he can really adapt into any role he is put in. I mean he was the best part of GI Joe. So I say they make this a reality!
@Dr Emilio Lizardo: Now there's a plus!
@Ogami: Maybe we can throw all the bad iPhone 4's into the busted pipe and stop the oil leak!
Wow that picture is incredible, looks like a movie poster for Deep Impact 2: This is it!
@Belabras: I never said anything about the movie, I was just saying she is hot...Julia Roberts is the only Tinkerbell I know.