Ka Mai - New and Improved

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so you’re saying he’s leaving the Mets organization?

Poultry in motion.

Thanks for the reply! I started to link (no pun intended) the Zelda series with Dragon Quest--not in style or gameplay--but in how both series struck something that works well, a formula that doesn’t get messed around with too much from title to title, and has generally predictable (successful) results. Whereas a

Actually it’s because he hasn’t updated his material in years and rather then improve his jokes would rather just blame the audience for not getting it.

Shadow of the Colossus did it better. Also, R1 used as an active grab button for platforming was genius. That is all.

Second Banana the Second.

Holy crap! Someone on Deadspin making sense! Unheard of!

Well said, there are also other benefits to having people not have to result to crime to live. Why spend money on jails when you could spent it on schools and healthcare.

Crow’s arms are significantly redesigned; much bulkier. Apparently he stopped ‘going for tone’.

Hotter take: Lovecraft’s reliance on having someone narrate the story after it occurred combined with “horrors so unthinkable they drive you mad” is a clear sign of a terrible writer who didn’t know how to actually construct scary scenes. Also he was a racist.

It looks like McMaster is explaining to Trump’s parents what he’s going to do now that he got Donald pregnant.

Can I run a couple rounds through?

oh, that’s kinda annoying. usually Sony funnel Playstation players to the store like crazy without interference.


This is busy work, pure and simple. This is teaching your three-year-old how to hammer nails in a block of wood while you build a bookcase. He’s being sent out so the Star Chamber can prepare his next round of appointments and executive orders and not have to worry about him fucking up their plans.

God Desmond Miles was terrible, just....terrible, then Ubisoft tried their DAMNEST to make you feel sorry/miss him. No, he’s fucking terrible.