Ka Mai - New and Improved

Any plans to pick up Danny Trejo on the way?

*In baked goods that is, mayo on a sandwich is still not advised*

No, I’m absolutely not. I already called my brother to tell him I wouldn’t be at his Superbowl party.

Beauty Queens means winner of most fuckable?

You’re overthinking this. Think “fiber” as in “Kevlar,” not as some sort of metaphor for mental fortitude.

Let’s bring on Octopath though. That game feels *amazing*

What in the holy fuck does this have to do with veterans?

Here’s the problem: you’re a dick.

Sometimes the broken mechanics are the most fun. The “skiing” movement mechanic from Tribes was originally a glitch, and it wound up one of the main reasons that game became iconic.

Well, $10. The game itself accounts for $60 of that.

Well, at least your screen name checks out.

Well, at least your screen name checks out.

Another gameshow judge politician. Fuckin’ great.

EA is a publisher. They’re the ones investing and expecting a return from the developers they deal with.

Because game development is expensive, and most developers don’t have the kind of cash reserves that Nintendo or Blizzard have. That means that their investors require a return on their investment, or the funding dries up. Even a great game can be a bad investment if it costs too much to make, or takes too long.  

I’m not familiar with this author, but from the header image I take it that she writes books about white people looking away from you towards the sea.

That’s about the sophistication I’d expect from your counter-argument.

The beliefs are not the problem.

Because I was never able to beat the first act.

It’s pretty simple. This is just another white person who chooses to confine their definition of racism to that which is motivated by hatred or malice, because to acknowledge that ignorance, apathy, or indifference toward their own position of social privilege can also qualify as racism is to acknowledge that they

Who’s fighting? I’m making a valid point. Don’t bother replying if you don’t want to discuss it.