Ka Mai - New and Improved

What is the emotional payoff for playing D.A. for Nazis?

You’re in luck.

No argument here. Just positing a possible alternate scenario.

Not arguing with you, just suggesting an alternate scenario.

unless you are here, shut the fuck up.

Nope. I considered making a joke, but as a white guy I ultimately decided to just give this one a pass.

To play devil’s advocate here, my reading was that he injured himself, and then decided to take advantage of his injury (and probably diminish his own embarrassment at cutting the shit out of himself) by making the false report.

Trump was an imperfect messenger who spoke to broader truths—not all that different from Eminem.

This article isn’t asking any questions, hard or otherwise.

Hey, let’s shit all over Clinton for the unforgivable crimes of not running a perfect campaign and having confidence in the decency of the American people. Because what the left really needs to do right now is eat itself.

The number of supposedly empathetic and progressive folks on the left that are celebrating this devastation because Texas is a “red state” is disgusting. Harris County, where the worst damage is happening is overwhelmingly blue, for one thing. But even if it wasn’t, these are people. People. Not red or blue dots

The irony here is that Deathnote is one of the few that do not have distinctly westernized character appearances.

If they’re not immediately recognized universally as Japanese, then where’s the crime?

Harris C0unty, where the worst devastation is happening, went overwhelmingly for Hilary in the election, and Houston is one of the nation’s most diverse cities.

Therefore saying something so fluid as anime is being white washed when recreated as a live action is just dumb.

Feminism is complicated. “Don’t promote rape culture or people who rape children,” isn’t complicated. This isn’t a feminist issue, it’s an issue of basic human decency.

They don’t look Asian to you. Multiple surveys of anime fans have shown that people apply their own cultural norms to the otherwise vague races of anime characters. If you ask people in Japan, they’ll say the characters appear Japanese. If you ask Americans, they’ll say they look American. Europeans see Europeans.

With the exception of the Fox News one, this works just as well as an article about vegans for white people.

No thanks. I’m all for a female Bond, but Gadot is a bad choice. Wonder Woman was a good movie despite her performance, not because of it.

Question: Why does this site continue to give attention and coverage to a woman who did a duet with a known child rapist? A duet that included the lyric “Do what you want, what you want with my body.” Why is that okay?