
Do you have a source about what you just said. If the virus would hang out in the air for hours it would be called an airborne virus and everyone would have it by now. Also unless you have an n95 and know how to use it a regular mask won't do anything. First the virus is smaller that the pores in the fabric and second

What do you mean try social distance with everyone but the cashier??? Are you not already doing that and with the cashier? Here every still opened commerce I went into in the last 2 weeks have limits of 3 to 5 shoppers at a time and a distance of 3 meters minimum. Isles have arrows to prevent people walking across

Face masks only protect other people if they are not made of cloth only and have that plastic membrane you see inside the ones they give out at hospitals.

Did you read the part about them making volunteers swear a anti homosexual oath in order to volunteer. That is discrimination.

Although the charter in Quebec is shit we absolutely did mean to ban *our* religious symbols. We removed Cr sees in schools, government offices and political institutions.

Well Bright as well

If someone is to dumb to know that nobody needs your pin to deposit money and actually went to meet someone who can barely write in a parking lot at night then they deserve to get scammed. It’s a lesson.

Because international flights make about 10k profit in the best situation. 12 seats at 500$ is 6k.

Everyone I know has a cellphone yet none of them ever paid 700$ for it. Because it's spread out on a 2 year contract people don't see it as a huge purchase. Also I use my phone everyday as my main communication and internet device. A console will always be a though sale for most people. They will sell millions but

I had YouTube premium but cancelled it. Now every single video from any source has either 2 skipable ads or 1 unskipable. Then if I watch a short form thing from Ben G Thomas or filmcomicsexplsined I’ll get 2 more interupting but skipable ads. Every 2 choice is an ad and almost everytime I open it is a prompt to get

What you fail to understand is that it is just as bad because the concentration of media makes it very easy to manipulate popular opinion. Everything starts with propaganda. 

Nobody cares about the privacy of the individual that broke the law. It's that by opening that door all other Apple iPhones will be vulnerable.

If I own a 4k tv. I bought my first flat screen 1 year ago. It was 150$ and it's HD. A TV is the last thing I would ever spend for. I'll by a 16' MacBook Pro even thought I have a 2019 15' before I would spend 1$ in a TV.

What the fuck is she going on about with tphe resume on your phone thing.

Ive worked with people who learned programming themselves and those who went to school and I would pick someone that went to school any day not because of programming skills but because of the people's skills. 

Its far from silly. There are deep philosophical themes explored here. This is probably the most erudite yet accessible piece of art I've seen in the last 10-20 years.

Not everyone uses a iPhone. I’m a MacBook Pro user but I can’t use an iPhone and be restricted in their ecosystem. I also don’t like the OS.

Didnt even catch on that it was the same person but the painting did give me a hint that it was not linear.

In Westworld you catch on because of the names and the obvious looping.

I will se my MBP professionally and I have a dock that gives me way more than what I need and cost me 30$. It fits in the pocket of my carrier. The port situation was really never an issue for me except when the 13' only had 2