
Its a variety thing. Just buy local for strawberries. They'll hit a really low price for a couple weeks in the summer and then go crazy and freeze some.

Really. You know that a lot of plants produce harmful chemicals compounds on their own right. Do you know what harmful chemicals compounds means? It means anything that is composed of at least 1 molecule and causes harm to its intended target.

Ahhhh. The difference between some blogger and someone who actually knows what they are talking about.

What even are you saying. You sound like the creepy family from Get Out.

Americans believe that succes belongs to the individual only as does failure.

I first heard this tale in the opening scenes of The Crying Game. An amazing scene completely dominated by Forrest Whitaker. For the vast majority of the scene he has a bag over his head raised over his mouth yet it's still chilling.

This made my day. 

How can a company created 20 years not be “built with diversity in mind”. I have a hard time understanding this problem. If I built a tech company in my city I wouldn’t think about diversity at all. I would hire the people most qualified for the positions I need to fill and I’m almost certain that I would end up with

Maybe quote actual African history instead of fictional Disneyfied history. Hey Mike. In Mogadishu they all have guns too and very little laws. I’m sure you would love to live there.

Do you want Cenobites because that’s how you get Cenobites.

Do you want Cenobites because that’s how you get Cenobites.

I can’t really argue the intricacies of heels with someone who wears them so I will believe you :)

I’m not defending her but the shoes (that are very obviously a rip-off) didn’t remove a functional part.

Demons are very well represented in the media as of late.

I’m Quebecois and I get really pissed when they use a French actor to play someone from Quebec. Our language and culture is completely distinct from France.

This is one good looking man yes

She did say that they were Asian American actors. She didn’t say they were Japanese. Nonetheless I feel the same way. If representation is so important than shouldn’t the actor be of Japanese American origin.

Boards of Canada - Music Has The Right To Children

Boards of Canada - Music Has The Right To Children

Question. Can you burn other things. Like could I burn an old phone. Could I burn flesh. Can we now charge our devices by burning older devices or people? So many possibilities.

Question. Can you burn other things. Like could I burn an old phone. Could I burn flesh. Can we now charge our

If I had to pay 20k for the birth of my child I would be in debt for the next 5 years. That is an insane amount to have to pay. By saying that they made money off you you’re saying that you pay around 1700$ in insurance fees every month. That half my salary.

But. Wait. You’re third show is based on the oppression of a minority. In your premise Caucasians are a second class oppressed minority.