That’s why I think I actually like Heretics and Chapterhouse a little bit more than Dune proper. I particularly like the character of Miles Teg.
That’s why I think I actually like Heretics and Chapterhouse a little bit more than Dune proper. I particularly like the character of Miles Teg.
I’m 4 years late on this thread but I will admit that of every piece of art I’ve been exposed to during my life Dune has been the most influential. My lifelong interest in philosophy, psychology, sociology, economics, the power of myth, the power of the mind, the search for a deeper spiritual connection with the…
If it’s not be once Trump is the passenger of AF1 shitstorm will be very appropriate as a call name
He won’t have a choice. He has to travel on AF1. All the strategic and tactical equipment is there. Also there a whole section for the press corp.
I’m very sorry for how badly my reply is written. It is barely comprehensible. English is not my first language. Im a french-canadian from Montreal but that no excuse ad I’ve been reading then talking then writing English since I was 7-8 years old. I must if been very tired when I wrote the previous post.
It’s all good. Sorry if I got a little heated in my reply. Thanks for staying civil. Also I would like to bring your attention to my original comment which was a reply to a post saying thatin the past America has had really bad presidents. Some were alcoholics too drunk to function, others spent their presidency…
I love how you put words in my mouth. We’re did I talk about peaceful. My only point was that a military behemoth they keep rogue nations in line. They help NATO and I hope they’ll continue. War is bad and I truly which that one day we will grow behind it but today is not that day. If you think otherwise your are…
None of those. I’m not American. I’m a 38 year old french-canadian and I despise most of what America as a nation stands for. That doesn’t mean that I can’t recognize that they are the world first military power. That without that it could be much worst. Don’t get me wrong, the world is far from perfect and a lot of…
I’m not saying he will nuke anyone just for Jun but image if a 9/11 situation were to arrive. His finger would be on the button quite fast. Hopefully his military, polotical, policy, moral advisers will convince him
But times have changed. America is now the most powerful nation on the planet by many factors. America acts as a policing force wether it actually flexes it’s military or not. America has enough nuclear weapons to scorch to planet many times over. History writes itself at the speed of the 24 hour news cycle.
What’s wrong with wanting to be surrounded with people that are at the same educational level as you. And I don’t mean purely academic education. I mean people who share intellectual interests.
You’re way with words had me feeling I was right there with you guys. When you talk about seeing all the id’s in the out I could almost hear your breathing.
Thank you so much.
I loved this.
You’re right. I first read the article on mobile and didn’t click the GIF. That looks completely awkward and a little counter intuitive. I the look of the craft resembling the undercarriage of a car makes me expects the ‘wheels’ ro be turning. At first I thought having each habitat spin on its axis was a better idea…
The way i understood the design is that each individual inflated midules would rotate like wheels on a car so yes they would add points of potential failure. I do think that it’s worth the risk as all the health problems that the lack of gravity creates could potentially hurt the mission.
There is also the matter of relative time. As we get older each moment becomes shorter in relation to our accumulated timespan. At ten years old 1 month represents close to 1% of your total life. At 100 years old, 1 month represents only 0.083% of your total life therefore seeming much shorter. This is why when we…