The Train Doctor

I don’t think it’s “massive disappointment” I think it was overhyped. I think while it lacks a true single player experience and the multiplayer is rather basic. It’ll make up for it in variety. There’s a lot of modes to choose and more coming soon. It also helps that they’ve managed to perfectly capture the look,

It feels like there hasn’t been a game this gen that hasn’t disappointed on some level. I have enjoyed playing a handful of games, but it’s crazy that the Witcher 3 is probably the only game that hasn’t been a disappointment, and that was only because no one was expecting much based on the previous 2.

This game is such a massive disappointment. Its way too easy and there is barely any variety in the matches I’ve played. There are barely any maps and even then they all pretty much have the same vehicles and power ups. Guess Im sticking with Halo and Rainbow Six this year


Inconvenient “fashion” is inconvenient. [+1 sin ding]

Fashion darling fashion

Yea OK.

but that’s not what they said. she is an all new character and not just female link

i can’t wait for the articles about how activision regrets this day in 2-3 years from now. those kinds of tears are the nectar of the gods i tell ya

just for reference EA bought Popcap games back in 2011 for $650 million.

this. is. fucking. insane.

The world is now requiring of a visual mod for the game that replaces all the art with their drawings.

Why not? They usually play a ton of poker and stuff with normal decks of cards.

And you give exactly what he wants.

I laughed, I cried. I punched a sheep.

It’s almost like they added a prefix to the word to differentiate them...

Fuck you’re cool.

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