Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo


Looked good parked, though!

My first car was a ‘92 LS with an auto. Pretty beaten down by the time I got it, 4th gear was slipping and sometimes wouldn’t shift after 250k miles on the odo... However, amazingly comfortable front seats, I drove for hours straight no problem. Except for the mechanical and electrical problems, that is. :(

And if you had rear passengers, they would probably have to emerge with most of their limbs severed to get back there in the first place.

Marrying an imaginary friend is a sure-fire way to tell yourself you won’t die alone. It’s a new application of the tried and true: “You can’t fire me. I quit!”

Big deal. I have a 4-cylinder pickup that gets 19!

I don’t hate it. Much better looking than the new Camry. Acres of fake grille is annoying, but that is the trend today, and also, for the last decade.

This story is kind of being beaten to a bloody pulp. Kerrigan is not required to forgive, like, or pay attention to, Tonya. Pestering her with crap like, “Hey, we’re trying to make some serious cash on this nostalgia tour where Tonya is a victim. Do you remember Tonya? Do ya? Heh? Heh? Why don’t you like Tonya?…

“But the enthusiast in me is just excited for something different.”

Oh God no


In other news, OJ also didn’t do it.

How many hashtags are really necessary?

Feh. Feel the cold shoulder of my factory tape deck!

None. I’m hoping this will be the first year since 2014 that I don’t buy a vehicle.

My wife’s DD. 1ZZ, not the 2ZZ you get with the GT. Automatic. Other than some bulbs and a fuse, it’s done exactly what it’s supposed to do: get my wife where she wants to go without breaking down.

Deny, deny, deny, get caught, apologize “to any of whom I may have offended/let down,” throw money at the problem, repeat.

They call it a “granny” gear because it’s slow but tough as nails. Grandpa is likely dead from all the years of drinking, smoking, and sitting on his ass while drinking and smoking.

The Divine Plan in full swing

Less Volvo, more Sportcross!