Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo

You found somone to pay 8 large for a 3.0 equipped single cab? You sir are a hell of a salesman.


The latest trend is to paint monogamous folk as somehow close-minded. Get with the times!

Good God, I know people who work in a kitchen at a pub that make more than Tony Adler.

Damn a blue RS7 would be awesome.

“I still have a hard time understanding it’s the same person... He didn’t look the part. I mean, I’d come over and visit with him, and I’d see him out there, picking twigs off his lawn like he was almost obsessed with twigs on his lawn and neatness.”

I grew up in that town. Planes and jets everywhere all day every day. It was great actually.

Goldberg, Goldberg, Goldberg, and Goldberg

Who the fuck has fine china these days?

Audi ownership?

I think DP is already taken...


Who are we to question the Divine Plan?

Not even an ST. Sad!

“Oh you!”

And came back for your brainzzzz

That depends. Sometimes your project car might try to kill for trying to drive it without fixing it earnestly.

No. Don’t touch people’s shit.

Hey! What’s the balding part have to do with anything?!
