Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo

I bet the standard Veteran plate does not say “Man Veteran”

Most likely the late abortion article — which is misleading as the mother was told the child would have been born without the ability to breathe which, so I’ve gathered, you need to live or whatever.

In a related story: How bout those Mariners?

“what do you call a happy Roman? A gladiator! Get it? Glad-he-ate-her. Hello? Is this thing on?”

Jay Leno once said that a man comes home wreaking of transmission oil is a man who isn’t stepping out on his wife. Leno is a better (and more active ) social advocate and respects women (and, you know, didn’t step out on his wife with an underling). I feel like Letterman got too much slack for being a creep.


I didn’t know being a mechanic could be looked down upon in such an extreme manner.

Is “heroic” the right word?

Fuck this.

Hoping you guys will finally shut the door on your use of adjectives such as “Cool” and “Chill” to describe this pope.

Wait, didn’t you guys write last year how the topless thing for breast cancer was nonsense?

Damn, Oppo is first to everything

Get your goddamn facts out of here!


No need to make a national spectacle of yourself when you don’t want to admit failure. Just drop out and do something else like the rest of us. An Ivy League school was stressful? You don’t say.



Respect other cultures unless they so stuff we don’t like or whatever

Demand for the Prius just means more fun used cars for the rest of us. Isn’t the Prius really our greatest ally?
