Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo

But then you’ll have to be in a Camry — even I have my limits.

Squishier and angrier.

As opposed to coal-guzzling electrics, I assume.

Wouldn’t mind a reboot of Duck Tales vs this.

It was not.

Pretty amazingly lengths to go to just not adopt.

Even when he’s mad he’s professional as fuck.

Is “mah Truhhck” a theme?

You can’t just flaunt your opulence like that

Just need some tools and an independent pancake mechanic


This trend of state legislature against women is terrifying.

Darn, almost one full day without a Tesla story.

Really not as bad as you think. Mine had a surprising amount of giddy-up for sixty-odd horsepower. The problem arises when you want to add something to the car other than yourself — such as two other passengers or perhaps a magazine.

Best car I’ve ever owned, but 10k is still nuts. You can still find the occasional great example for 4k-6k.

I have the old manual version on my vehicle:

Hope this doesn’t turn out to be another fake receipt next week.

This is why you are single — you’re brave enough to ask these kinds of questions.

Mariners ticket prices are quite a joke for a team that hasn’t done shit in 15 years. That said, I do enjoy games at Safeco quite a bit.

Shows you made it where, though? Whole Foods?