Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo

Modern Hamlet?

It’s okay to have standards. You just have to live with the consequences.

Why didn’t they just load the damn line? Why the ambiguity? Why the shotgun? Muhhhhhh

“No offense, but...”
“I’m not racist, but...”
“We appreciate your contribution, but...”

No, that’s just a dine-and-dash

Cliche click-bait posts like this combine the following attractions:
- disdain for the rich
- and on that note, envy
- hatred of spoiled brats
- supercars
- traffic violations
- sprinkle in a little xenophobia

“You aren’t getting any dates?”
I imagine women have highs and lows just like men do in this field.

Look at this asshole.

That’s a bit of a leap.

My brother is Mormon, and for those not in the know, prohibit alcohol without exception. He was, however, a server for 10 years, and did not project his beliefs on to others and happily served up all the alcohol he could sell. Also because it wad his job.

Do you make this comment every time the staff posts something about a Porsche, or an M, or an AMG?

“And don’t forget your photographer!”
- Leviticus 5:12

I disagree about the intent, as it seems obvious they are doing it for deterrent purposes, not just for money:

So you think the lack of value of his vehicle justifies this? That’s kind of elitist. Cars are more than a crude representation of monetary value.

I don’t agree with taking away his car. This isn’t a felony. Being a dick is not a felony. Just fine his ass a painful amount. “We will take your car away if you fuck with our provincial revenue” is a scary message.


Goddammit. I was seriously considering purchasing one, but then I remembered I can’t hope to afford one, but THEN I read this and that was the last straw, or at least what I will tell people online.

Is your wife related to Harold Slovinski?

Not the best way to start my Sunday Morning.

Do what my wife does. She sets parameters with her best friend (lifelong friend) who is a huge hypocritical “Christian” who does not practice what she preaches. But of a struggle at first but basically my wife was like, “I love you but we can’t talk about X. We will never be able to talk about it and we shouldn’t let