Dr. Zoidberg - RIP Oppo

Pierce county as a whole is kind of shanty when compared to the yuppie haven of King County... Coming from a guy who lives in Everett.

Bonus: don’t date cynical people.

ESPN just changed headline from “Manziel harassed by fan” to “Manziel throws water bottle at harassing fan”

The secret is to give them flowers when they are expecting nothing. Like a on whim, or after a rough day at work. It’s not overbearing or obvious, and it’s the little things that can go a long way.


This creates an unrealistic image of a man who poses in his garage.

I know you feel wronged, but really you made a lot of avoidable mistakes. Lessons learned, enjoy the new VW


It’s like the only time you use the reverse gear during one of those tests. I’d say it’s important.

That last photo is pain.

Full sprint you say


Firing managers early into the season didn’t seem like a common thing in MLB growing up, but it seems to be happening much more often this past decade, or am I crazy

Wow, a lot things broke in 98k miles...

I just see five cars I can’t afford

I stopped reading his articles, and listening to his podcasts, many moons ago when his rants devolved into outright brags about his clout and access, as you touched on. He also assumes he’s the only person who accurately remembers an important sport moment, and constantly falls back on poorly related analogies. His

There’s still plenty of BS at ESPN

Probability that he wins the title and gets fired?

“Nnnnnnh, peppermint roll!”

Is RHD also mirrored on the shifter? By which I mean, is first gear at 1-oclock instead of 11?