
Thank you for reading it so I didn’t have to.

True story time. I was a armed security officer who was licensed in life saving techniques at one point in my life. One day, a elderly lady went into cardiac arrest right in the middle of my lobby. We kept scissors with our AEDs because of bras. Our training required us to cut the bra off due to them getting in the

That’s what she said.

Did he? I don’t recall.

It’s kind of like choosing between the Joker and Lex Luthor as your villain. At least with Lex, you know he isn’t out to destroy the world.

I would let Jamie put her feet up on my couch any day. Hell, I would let her put them on my face.

Holy shit. I have been living a lie all these months.

I would want one of those too. However if clothing is swappable, it stops being a statue and becomes a figure instead. I would rather have a straight up statue.

Yes it is.

Yes it is. But you are on Kotaku, so no one will care. Try Fusion, that is the most latino friendly site around these parts.

Government insurance is nice when it works. My children had it in the past and we didn’t pay for a damn thing. Would just walk in the dentist office, optometrist, emergency room, whatever and just flash that insurance card. No co-pay or anything.

This is an odd, roundabout way of telling parents that they need to be consistent with their child. This would work the same if I just said “no” and then said “no” later. Eventually, if you are consistent, it will sink in with the child that you will not change your mind. The technique in the article requires the same

Is that number disproportionate due to black people being half the prison population even though they are not half the population of the United States, or is it because within just the prison population itself, they are often put to work more than their white counterparts?

Someone needs to do one of those “Hitler reacts” videos of this.

I figure he was just insulting his dad, as all kids are wont to do, and letting America know who really is the brains of the family.

Does RuPaul no longer do drag? In every picture lately she (or is it he, not sure which pronoun they use) is in some slick suit.

I can dig this. I imagine sitting in a rocking chair on a porch in my golden years, reminiscing with friends, “Do you remember that time we almost had civil rights for everyone?”

Why is it okay to joke that Mexicans do all the jobs here that white people don’t want, but it’s cringe worthy if you switch the white people out for black people?

Yup. I say the same thing about Bill Cosby. It has been way too long to charge him now. I mean how reliable are these witnesses’ testimony now? Specially if they were drugged at the time. And all it is witness testimony, no real evidence.