
i kid you not!!!

So am I. He was a monster, but they were supposed to be good people. Special space in hell for someone who betrays their own children for money.

I find it oddly refreshing that she announced she wasn’t running on a local news station instead of a 60 Minutes interview or twitter.

After a teenager pointed out that part of Feinstein’s duties were listening to her constituents, Feinstein asked how old she was. “I’m 16, I can’t vote,” she said.

Sign up for a right-wing news list some time and the articles will rapidly destroy any vestiges of hope you ever had for your fellow man, and indeed literacy itself.

You’re thinking of social democracy, not democratic socialism. It’s really frustrating (and not your fault, because it’s constantly confused in mainstream political discourse, even amongst self-described socialists), but people like AOC and Bernie are social democrats, and not actually socialists at all, regardless of

A mixed economy is what we have, and a more mixed economy would inevitably be part of a transition to a different system. But the calling card of the left—and what distinguishes it from liberalism—should be the call for economic democracy. Capitalism fundamentally isn’t about free markets vs regulation, it’s about

Nothing wrong with reforms (like a min wage), but reformism doesn’t win major reforms. Radicalism and social unrest do. That was true for the New Deal, Equal Rights Amendment and even the Endangered Species act. None of those—or I’d argue any other qualitative reforms—were won mainly by a movement of technocrats, legis

I think there’s a distinguishing between straight “socialist,” and “democratic socialist,” which could also be called (if I interpret this correctly) a socialist capitalist. Like, I personally think highly regulated capitalism with a strong social safety net is an ideal economic system. I don’t think corporations

I get really confused by these statements, and the amount of overwhelming support they get. Is he not a socialist, as opposed to being a communist or anarchist. And isn’t he basically just advocating for systems and policies that have already been implemented, successfully, in other socialist countries.

Exploitive Economics and Greed aren’t going away any time soon. Thankfully capitalism was never here, to begin with.

Shouldn’t it? Capitalism is inherently built on the suffering of the Other. You accumulate wealth (or more likely, don’t), but there is only so much to go around, so others suffer. It’s a disgusting and toxic system. Anyone who makes mealy-mouthed apologies for its’ most egregious issues isn’t someone you should

Idiot republicans have unlimited gall calling anyone a “snowflake”. They are rude, selfish brats and should be put in a very long time out.

What I wanna know is how did he get access to the dick pics. It would be really weird if the sister shared her bf’s dickpic with her brother. Eww.

Disney, you’re releasing too many movies. Too many for anyone to care. What are you even doing?

after the first allegation surfaced, i saw a sickening number of democrats at other sites who wanted to “wait for more facts” and “give the state party time to formulate a strategy” before fairfax even thought about resigning.

Reminds me of an article that quoted a woman in Florida shortly after the shut down began. She said “He’s not hurting the people he’s supposed to be hurting.” Let that sink in for a minute. A woman voted this man into office thinking his main responsibility was to hurt a segment of the population she didn’t like. This

It’s almost as if the problem with Zack Snyder’s interpretation of Superman was that Zack’s Supe does not work well with team ups like the Justice League.

Still the best live-action iteration of Superman.

Have a better source than “Cult of Dusty” on Youtube, or is that what you’re rolling with?