I’m having a hard time believing she’s only 29. Shit, at the rate she’s going she’s gonna look full-on like 60-something Maria Shriver in 5 years.
I’m having a hard time believing she’s only 29. Shit, at the rate she’s going she’s gonna look full-on like 60-something Maria Shriver in 5 years.
Or the Dems could draw from the 80 million who didn’t vote in 2016. Those nonvoters, according to Pew polls going back several decades, are predominantly to the left of center. I dunno if that would work, but it seems more probable than turning voters who fundamentally disagree with the party on every major issue.
Every one of you assholes who vote Republican have blood on your hands. You’re all complicit. There’s no fixing you. These last two years have proven that. The United States of America can no longer function as one country. Not when half of you are totally cool with children dying as collateral damage so your…
The only thing I can say about iTunes is: It holds my music library. I fucking HATE it. It’s cumbersome, extremely difficult to navigate, inconsistent, and just shitty all around.
I think Sessions knows better but he just wants to create policy that destroys others’ lives because he likes destroying people’s lives.
It’s fackin’ WEED, kid.
Gwen is a migraine.
George Carlin did exactly that for decades. His commentary would be very sage.
I’m pretty sure he was a random dude who died 2000 years ago and would have no way of understanding modern economies, governments, or science, and that what his hypothetical opinions are is irrelevant.
Let me get this straight. The disgusting aspect of the leaked tape isn’t its contents, but the fact that it was leaked in the first place?