“Show me what you got!”
“Show me what you got!”
Could you be any more transparent, you’re fooling no one you piece of shit. You should be held accountable for spreading lies and endangering the lives of thousands of passengers. Only a piece off garbage would lie for Boeing, American Airlines, Southwest and the like.
If Ralph Nader says the planes should be scrapped, regardless of his niece’s death at the hands of Boeing, we should listen. Boeing knew the new flight system could/would cause the plane to dive after takeoff and should be held criminally accountable and their executives should be in prison.
I had a very similar track ball mouse in 1996. After all of that time all Logitech did was squish together a regular mouse and there old track ball mouse.
Does the X have a SCSI port? I’ve got a legacy hard drive to repurpose.
I’ve been a fan of Ali G since he started doing the character on BBC, I think Sacha Baron Cohen is absolutely brilliant and the greatest troll of all time. Who is America on Showtime is a must see. The original Borat made me nearly pee my pants in the theater and I can’t wait till Saturday when my wife and I are…
Something Wicked This Way Comes, Watcher in the Woods, The Black Hole, 2000 Leagues Under the Sea
Good link
Why did visualizers go extinct? Winamp had the best ever but Apple had some too. Are there any out there, even for game systems? I loved playing music on my 3DO with its cool visualizer.
I’d like to see some protesters with old steel bikes just throw them in front of the storm trooper cars. Those bikes will shred the underside of the cars, get caught in their wheel wells and possibly pop their tires. Then have some fun with the occupants.
I want this movie so bad. Original Tron Legacy cast is essential. Sequels that don’t include the original cast usually suck hard. Jared Leto does suck and hopefully he’ll help get the production some press and then he can be an executive producer, not an actor. Disney also needs to put serious money to pay Weta to…
I’ve got a subscription to Master Class and the content I’ve watched is really excellent. Watching Steve Martin breakdown comedy as he sees it. Watching Werner Herzog show how he teaches, writes, directs and how he gets his inspiration. The quality and seriousness of its contributors is beyond what you’d expect from a…
Has anyone started a “Karen “ support group?
Are we going to be sitting in plastic covered chairs that get wiped down after every show? Are they going to filter the air from the last movie goers? Are they going to police what foulness their customers have touched before coming to the theaters, at concessions, the bathroom, on the way down the hallway, when they…
Design t-shirts on Cafe Press that say “Why do you matter more than me? Wear a mask..” or “If you don’t wear a mask you shouldn’t be here.” Or “masks are for smart people” or “My grandma died because of you, wear a mask!” or “Jesus would wear a mask” or “I am my brother’s keeper, wear a mask.”.
Can we please get some more ads on this page, I can almost find the text.
What a stupid shape. Where the fuck am I going to put that, in the middle of the floor? Make it a rectangle, maybe a bit taller or wider but give me break from these stupid form factors.
Super lame news. WW84 is going to be better than the first. Godzilla vs. Kong is so lame. Kong is at best going to be half Godzilla’s size and Kong has no special powers while Godzilla has energy breath, an electrical field and a gigantic tail and others I can’t remember. Plus Godzilla can withstand a nuclear blast,…
The Punisher didn’t like cops, so that’s ironic. He did however like protecting average citizens and punishing corrupt cops and their underworld bosses. Not a surprise that some police fan boys would think that it’s cute to put the skull on their uniforms, they’ll probably stop once Disney/Netflix sues every single…
My model police officer is Andy Taylor from the Andy Griffith show, old reference but I can’t think of one better. Andy was the man, didn’t intimidate anyone, almost never drew his weapon, gave his lieutenant a single bullet for his revolver and #1, he would lay on train tracks for anyone in his town.