
Bernie is going to win the nomination whether you like it or not, so get used to it.

Kamala Harris passed a law that put parents in jail because their kids missed school. She penalized poor working people and later made the excuse that the law had negative unforeseen consequences. The issue isn’t that she was a prosecutor, it’s how she conducted herself in that position.

Kamala and Abrams’ would be a great ticket for a 90’s presidential campaign but not for today. They are corporatists posing as progressives. Check out their voting records.

All we need to know about Beto is in his voting record. We also have his recent campaign as another barometer for the type of politician he is. He was for Medicare for All until he had his first debate with Ted Cruise. He hasn’t come out for the Green New Deal, which tells me he won’t support it. He raised a ton of

How is Hilary inspiring? Someone please tell me.

Why shouldn’t Bernie run again? I’d love to know because I’ve been reading similar comments but no one provided any details.

What was inspirational about her campaign?

Another piece of tech that a huge company touted and then let die a slow death. Apple sucks.

I’m glad this guy is getting into this race, the more progressive ideas that get air time the better.

Love the show and I love that’s it’s getting better.

Where can I send some money to buy that cute bull 5 puncture-proof balls?

If you’re dumb and corrupt Trump’s administration is what you’ve waited for your entire life.

These women are amazing, fierce and will get some serious shit done because their ideas resonate with the majority of Americans. Only fools are saying that they need to prove themselves or take their time or gain some experience as a legislator. They scare the hell out of corporate Democrats and dumbfound Republicans.

You sound just like every CNN, MSNBC, FOX newsreader and contributor. These three women are amazing, they fight for their constituents and for Americans in general. They have a spotlight on them not because they are new but because they won’t back down from a fight. We have that in common. 

Hey hey, settle down buddy. You’re the one who needs to go fuck yourself.

Thanks Obama for setting another bad president;)

If this guy is innocent the state of California owes him and his family $100,000,000. As for Harris, she’s a phony, more likely a liar in 10 different ways. She’s the leading candidate for the Democrats and I love seeing her lies and misdeeds getting exposed.

I will never believe a thing CNN says. BTW, Zucker, thanks for Trump, you greedy living mummy piece of garbage.

I think the Urban Dictionary has a new name for eating salad with a comb.

Is it legal to do a GoFundMe to make someone disappear?