Did it make you want to see it or avoid it?
Did it make you want to see it or avoid it?
I did want a Superman movie, one that presented the character as an outsider and an outcast. I wanted to see this outcast overcome his problems with humanity and see the bigger picture and do his best to help. I didnt need to see the small town goofball or the rediculous Clark Kent persona of the 80’s where he thought…
I wonder if we’ll ever elect a President who will full on attack Saudi Arabia and just wipe out their monarchy. I’d like that same President to destroy the right wing government in Israel. Put them in jail or assasination them. The President would need to clean out the members our own government who enable these two…
What’s wrong with The Orville? The new Star Trek is crap and looks and acts nothing like any other show in the cannon.
My first thought was that the Apple store was a fake return address. Surprising that a meth drug dealer would be so stupid.
Kirsten Gillibrand is delusional in thinking she has a chance of winning or having a good showing in the Democratic primary. She’s got a terrible voting record, like Corey Booker, and she was a key strategist for the legal team who defended Big Tobacco. She’s a dirtbag and has done only one notable/positive bit of…
It is strange that a super progressive like Rosie would date or pretend to be the beard for Corey Booker. Booker’s entire career is the opposite of what she stands for.
What was wrong with voting for Jill Stein? Rosie voted for her because Bernie was out of the race.
Ha ha ha ha ha, now who is she?
Her coming forward as well as the others is purely a political hit job. They are working in a campaign for President and they live in a political climate where everything you say will be used against you. She and the other women know that no one can “control the narrative”, once any dirt gets out. Justly or not, it wil…
What? He’s the most attacked politician in the country.
Are there any AAA titles that are complete games. I’m interested in RDR but offering multiplayer that is half-baked when it could have been so easy to make simple modes where you can have multiplayer fun without having to repeat the grind of the single player mode.
I’m glad I haven’t watched season 2 of the Punisher yet because you fucking turds have been running headlines for weeks giving away all of the plot points. Fuck, does everyone have to ruin every surprise in our movies and TV shows? Why watch anything, if movie trailers give everything away and blogs etc. use plot…
They’ve done it to Nest. They bought the company, fired all of it’s developers and let the products and services slowly fade away. I know they did it because they want Google Home to be the new default but they are pieces of shit for killing a great service/product just like they did with the Chromecast Audio.
I love that quote, I love that she said/Tweeted it. The Dems need to know that she is coming for them, that she has the power, not them and that she, and other progressives are the future of the party.
Cancel the show, cancel the show, cancel the show. It’s garbage, it’s not Star Trek, it doesn’t resemble Star Trek. There is no chemistry, just disturbed abrasive characters. The Orville is the closest thing we’ve got. Another reason to cancel is that they cast the no talent from Inhumans as Christopher Pike.
Guess I need to do some trespasser hunting. A rifle, night scope, and some granola bars. Who wants to go with me? Let’s go get rid of some of those garbage people.
AT&T needs to be sued right now. They pulled this with 4G and fooled most of the general public into thinking that they we’re getting better service. They also used this deception to increase their stock proice which should have and should now be investigated as fraud by the FCC. I realize Agite Pai is a cricked piece…
What about The Venture Brothers?