
Appreciate the tip but installing Handbrake still won’t work for my friend.

I hope someone makes that stupid white bitch’s life miserable for a few months. I have relatives like her and their racism forced me to disown them.

As any good grade school teacher or parent would say “You’ll never know if you don’t try.”

Seeing any stories about Hillary just makes me think of how much the world would be different with Bernie.

He can’t win and no-one can, if you don’t vote for him.

Glad to see Schumer isn’t dead. She seemed to have disappeared after her shit movie with Goldie Hawn. I think she makes some good points about women figuring out what they don’t like going into a date. However, trashing Ansari was bullshit, because it seemed just like a date where the two were on different pages.

First of all I want to thank Orin Hatch for the entire useless supplement industry. Thanks for the tip about honey, I’ll definitely try that. For a runny nose I prefer benadryl over the heavy duty Advil Cold and Sinus(the kind you make meth with). The Advil only seems to work for two doses and then it no longer works,

In Sierra, Apple took away the ability to install a program that is outside their trusted programs, so Handbrake is no longer an option for video editing/ripping. Plus every new update slows the computer down.

I’m probably not going to skip the update but I like to install programs like Handbrake and Sierra won’t let you.

This comment isn’t quite on topic but because the Roku was mentioned I have a public service announcement. If you have a Roku Premier+ with HDR, and you’re getting the error screen HDCP 2.2 error or your signal on your tv just goes black I have a fix. First of all the Roku Premier+ doesn’t actually output HDR, a Roku

I’ll disagree. Asking for Sierra to be installed every day is bullshit. The OS is a downgrade for my computer and I don’t want to see the notification anymore. It isn’t like a gas light because there isn’t anything wrong, it just wants to lock my computer down even further and I don’t want that.

It would have been less scary and we wouldn’t have our daily dose of PTSD. She’s a world-class piece of shit, an egomaniacal monster who still believes that everyone should love her because she’s Hilary.

I like a sloth as a metaphor for watching the Superbowl or any NFL game. It takes 3 to 4 hours to watch an hour’s worth of football.

You’re right, I misspoke.

I doubt it would affect them. If you had keef sprinkled all over your clothes that would get them high, but keef is expensive and you wouldn’t waste it like that.

Back then they were anti-war and Nixon didn’t like that at all. They can be annoying and smelly but I don’t consider them assholes.

You’re right, Robert Zemeckis directed it. Why shouldn’t it be a surprise that I’m pedaling bullshit? What does that have to do with mentioning Spielberg?

This administration has done an amazing job of bringing the cockroaches out from under the fridge; Trump’s cabinet of horrors, Fox News, Alex Jones, Steve Bannon, Rush Limbaugh, all members of Congress on both sides who’ve supported his agenda and indirectly supported it by not opposing it. Now I just wish we could

#1 don’t buy or use anything made by the same companies who lied for 100 years about the cancer causing products they sell.

So why did the government choose to use marijuana instead of cannabis?