I've gotta say Amazon Prime in the UK does a lot to justify itself (see this, Mr Robot, Preacher, etc…)
Honestly, thank god I've got Sense8, Twin Peaks and American Gods to survive this impending, cruel, Riverdale-free world.
Have you ever seen him without that stupid hat on? That's weird.
Darnit. I like McGowan and all, but this seems pretty clear cut.
I thought he killed it this episode, but I think the haters gonna hate (hate hate hate hate), regardless.
Oh, Jughead. That was a rough episode for our lil beanie wearing mini Kerouac.
Well, at least Hughes can take comfort that he's now passed his Furtardo curse on to the rest of us.
Dammit, anyone but Roan!
Agreed on Trish - I guess my issue is that for me the JJ bench kind of begins and ends with her. (This might be different if the show had ended differently but I'm glad it didn't). There's her neighbour, he's ok.
This is my big hope. Send him literally anywhere else, please!
I agree that Iron Fist has the strongest bench of all the Netflix series (which is helpful given it has the weakest lead), I tend to rank Jessica Jones lower than others because I think it has the weakest pool of supporting characters (around the strongest lead).
I'm not so sure I'd really call it turning him into a good guy, he was still helping himself, right til the end.
That's our Ward!
Roc Kit's a true believer - made it through every episode of Iron Fist.
Is that too much to ask, Marvel?!
Dammit. I need a Ward cameo but I also don't want him to be anywhere remotely near danger. This is a predicament.
and Ward, and Colleen, and Foggy.
The diamond in the sea of mediocrity that was Iron Fist.
I was sold at Sigourney Weaver - so I'm excited.