
I feel like arriving with that line from 'The Warriors' established Diamondback accurately, whilst also acting as shorthand for "better get running", but I can only assume that Claire's confusion was matched by a decent portion of the audience. That Tony Todd connection is dead on, too.

This should be the question we ask about absolutely everything, really.

People are going to discover BrainDead later on as a one-and-done gem, I think.

I thought the first stretch of the finale turned, in the second half, into something truly great.

Theo Rossi's '…seriously?' acting deserves some love.

There's a scene, in fact I think it's the first scene of this episode, between Cottonmouth and Shades, which basically lays out the rest of the episode in body language alone. At a certain point, Shades asks, "so that's how you want to play this?" and every inch of his body language changes. From about that moment I

I feel like maybe its just that he exudes a certain level of importance, it's something about his physicality, which is a complement to Theo Rossi's performance.

Bates and Bentley are tilting at Yorkshire accents, right? At least most of the time. I've heard worse.

That's very reassuring to hear - I'm trying to avoid spoilers, but I've definitely picked up on some backlash to the second half of this show, and I was a little worried it might colour my perception.

For once my binge watching has fallen into pace with AV Club's reviews, which never happens!

This is generally my opinion, also. All of it is great, score, songs, all of it.

I wholeheartedly agree with this. I didn't realise quite how much it had picked up until the last episode, which I absolutely loved.

Well I'm excited. The first season definitely had its weaker elements, but I found the season finale very, very strong, one of my favourite episodes of television I've seen in a while. Turns out the careful worldbuilding paid off, in that I found myself far more invested than I'd realised I was.

Especially live!

In the "covers that elevate songs to goosebumpy" category, I'd put forward Nadine Shah's Cry me a River, which is especially astounding live:

Wicked Little Town! Ack, that makes me cry.

I really love 'If You Could Read My Mind', but I was never as enraptured by Cash's take.

Sufjan's Christmas albums are far better than pretty much everyone elses. Any and all iterations of his 'O Come, O Come, Emmanuel' are also truly beautiful.

'Sycamore Trees' is so amazing.

It's such a painful, beautiful song. When I was younger it was the perfect anthem my teenage anguish, but as I've grown older, my understanding has grown with it. Now I find that breakdown incredibly cathartic, if no-less goosebumpy.