
I always thought it had something of a 'The Dark Crystal' quality.

Balthier is 22?!

I finished this game via the medium of giving up, then sitting and watching my neighbor finish it instead. I was doing fine until that bloody floating castle of doom.

The Moon is covered in monsters! The witch you tried to kill was actually sort of your mother, and she's your headmaster's wife! Fujin and Raijin are just -choosing- to talk like that!

I'm probably never getting over that. Sigh.

Growing up I had a few vhs's of the old Spiderman series and I remember being really suprised Daredevil was going up against Kingpin entirely because of that old association.

That scene was incredibly well done. It said a huge amount about what was appealing to Matt about Karen, and his broader conflict. When it's on its a game, this show can do great visual story telling.

Wait, wait, this is our male equivalent? No Foggy?

I agree with you - I never felt like the show was trying to tell me the Punisher is in the right, just that he felt like he is.

Lots of people don't seem to know about this - I imagine if they'd known they'd have a second season, we'd still have Urich.

Well, at least as long as she's still involved and knows details of a big story, anyway. I wonder how open that offer would be after the first article….

I'm with you here - I loved Yung, but agree that her side of the plot was weaker in sum, and felt the writing didn't really hold up to her performance. Bernthal was better served by the writing, definitely, but he also brought the kinda of charisma and depth that elevated that writing even further. They were both the

Karen never gets invited to lunch.

Can confirm.

I'm with you in the journalist boat, and even though I'm willing to suspend some level of disbelief this really did stretch credibility. It led to me reading the whole thing very much like the editor was exploiting her connections for a story, ready to drop her when that was no longer useful. Which is probably giving

I'm always intensely envious of Tom Hiddleston's ability to be so much more eloquent speaking in the moment than I could ever hope to be writing after hours of labouring over my words.

Very much so - even outside of the Lexa issue, this has been a glaring issue for the show this season, and it's starting to grind.

Getting the hell out of dodge before anyone decides to blame him for this?

Also a pretty decent Greatest Hits album from the band, Garbage.

Yeah, I feel like Elektra's arrival as something to throw him off balance after his 'moral victory' over Frank is probably plenty of conflict, and would have made for enough of a strong arc.