The Tao that can be spoken

Yeah, having trauma doesn’t mean you can’t also be carrying Covid-just like a person with autism can be carrying Covid, or a person with claustrophobia or breathing issues or cognitive disabilities.  Places you really have to go-like the grocery store-offer alternatives like curbside pickup or delivery so you don’t

No one likes it. Everyone is not special. Wear...the...fucking...masks.

God. Wear a fucking mask. This is not about your assault. It is the worst thing that could ever have happened to you. And it truly sucks. And fuck that guy/girl/human. But, you know what?  This isn’t about that. And we all have traumatic shit we are dealing with right now. Wear a mask or stay the fuck home.

Ok but at the same time, my sympathy evaporates when you're out and about getting a haircut!! If you can't wear a mask, then stay home ffs

Waiting for Mrs. Shapiro to drop her GOP Convention dance hit “Sad Dry Pussy.”

Bitch is so far in the closet he’s talking to Aslan.

Well, I mean, he was elected mayor at 22 (the election started when started while he was in college). He was hired at UMass at 24 to teach a class a year. He hasn’t taught since he was 29. The campus has been shut down since March.

Well, mine dried up like the Old West when I heard his voice. A tumble weed rolled out.

The complaints are that he matched with people on dating apps. He DMd people (not explicitly stated to be sexual). And he had sex with people at his institution (which is only an issue at his institution if he has power over them).

I mean, they have, but there’s also nothing suggesting the students he was involved with were in any way under his supervision, which is required for a faculty/student relationship to be prohibited by the University.

As a person with a disability, he may want to reconsider his whole stance on wanting to be more like ancient Greeks and/or Romans.

The better question is why would you vote for a grown ass adult who hasn’t figured out libertarianism is nothing more than a selfish fantasy.

They didn’t care when dozens of kids were shot in schools by terrorists, they won’t care about this.  

Anderson Cooper on CNN just interviewed a mom and her eight-year-old son who apparently just got out of the hospital.  The little boy got Covid, was hospitalized, had to have heart surgery, kidney dialysis, and suffered two strokes.  He seems fine now, but I’m sure he has after-effects.  Eight. Years. Old.  

Every cold and flu I’ve gotten as an adult is from a co-worker who got it from their kids. This will be a disaster.

Because craven and depraved people don’t care about kids or teachers.

There are studies showing kids can carry a HIGHER viral load than adults.

No, it's fine. Because kids are immune and teachers mostly vote democratic.

My crazy, Fox news loving in-laws assure me that sending my 1st grader back is okay. “Little kids can’t get it.” I just remember that I was sick with the cold d’jour every two weeks for the entirety of kindergarten.  I’m calling BS.

Ironic, then, that Biden is actually into classic cars.   But that’s why it’s sad; these old fucks are being goaded into hating a guy who has a shitload more in common with them than the grifter who is just using them as useful idiots.