We aren’t dumping taxpayer money on the NFL to pimp the military for nothing.
At this point I’m almost convinced that there is more evidence for the “all cops are liars” theory than there is for the theory of gravity.
The police union said they quit in solidarity.
This is how you use the protests to shoot a music video, bring a camera with you while you protest with everyone else:
An interesting conversation from a leftist perspective with a guy who grew up black in queens.
Then he needs to harness up 1,320 squirrels and do a tractor pull competition...
Mediamatters did a wonderful Fucker Carlson mashup with the actual violence going on:
Toyota Mirai curb weight (2wd, 151hp): 4,075 lbs
Depends on how fat a rider they can find.
Given the 1.1hp, you are obligated to drag race a horse.
Him want a salary
Him want it
So he put on a badge and kill people for it
My grandfather had to deal with the cops
My great-grandfather dealt with the cops
My great great grandfather had to deal with the cops
And then my great, great, great, great, when it’s gonna stop?!
If fawning praise of Hitler or Judith Miller lying us into a forever war didn’t do it, tacitly endorsing a Senator’s call to murder Americans in the street for exercising the “right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances” probably won’t do shit.
He was ok with Trump until Trump stabbed the Kurds in the back.
“Law and order” is a racist dog whistle from back when racists cared enough to dog whistle.
Raping children in a concentration camp seems pretty bad no matter who you are related to. Paying for it is also morally culpable.
Unlike the current fatass in chief, Dubya had some reflexes.
Maddog Mattis chimed in:
Hessian mercs didn’t help last time.
Is tilting at windmills productive?