
Also known as the utility of the month club.

looks like a pissed off brz on the rag.

it's number is two hundred and seventy six. TWO SEVEN SIX! THE NUMBER OF THE VTEC BEAST!

Straightpipe bitch.

u have chosen wisely..

That's what's kinda awesome , you can get a giant rock that will make all the norms shut the hell up..... .

Definitely not too proud to ask. She's the one who will wear it so she gets to gently advise me.

You can't imagine how helpful that is. I'd be utterly lost if she didn't give me some vague instructions I'd be lost.

Yep, that's the idea.

Miss. Cheese is getting a nice 2-3 carat pink Sapphire with little diamonds on the side in black gold as my way of showing her she's gonna be my cheese forever.

Drive right. What's so difficult? If you're not passing, move over.

it wasn't the cupcake.

Mom? When did you move to Florida?

Huh. Things I didn't realize I would need by the holidays.

They're hasidics.

Will it baby?

Guess she can't talk.

Yeah, I want that car badly also.