
I have played games where it’s 15 and you’ve played games where it’s 30, what’s your point?

I agree. It’s relative to the punished person, however. For some people, 15 min is a long time, and to others it’s not. To me, it’s a long time. I’m sure Bungie can research numbers on this, if they haven’t already.

Other games do 15 min. This seems more reasonable. 30 is overly harsh, especially for a casual PVP game mode.

Just the boots?


This is Tolkein. Trolls die when exposed to sunlight.

This might be the most constructive criticism I’ve ever heard for SWSH. Bravo for focusing on actionable & specific development values instead of just National Dex and trees.

Well this is a very genwunner article.

This may be the truest article I’ve ever seen on this site.

“Bloody” is still considered quite rude in some circles, so it seems like they were trying to avoid “controversy” on both sides of the pond.

Pretty sure “snuff”, “snuffing”, “sparking”, and “Queen’s wings” or “beans” or whatever are not real UK-isms. They seem to have been made up for this game to avoid the actual cursing that real British people would do.

Uh... a VIDEO for The Week in Games? Big big nope. Just give us a list.

What’s up with the Willow redesign? He went from Professor Hottie to Professor Scruffy McJawline. Ugh


May every person responsible for these attacks be caught and thrown behind bars.

I love this game.

It’s also not uncommon for adoptees, due to the rejection trauma of being given up by their birth parents, and isn’t the fault of the parents that raise them. But sure, you keep on judging.

Well these cheaters oughta know what constitutes shit, since that's exactly what they are