
Uh... a VIDEO for The Week in Games? Big big nope. Just give us a list.

What’s up with the Willow redesign? He went from Professor Hottie to Professor Scruffy McJawline. Ugh


May every person responsible for these attacks be caught and thrown behind bars.

I love this game.

It’s also not uncommon for adoptees, due to the rejection trauma of being given up by their birth parents, and isn’t the fault of the parents that raise them. But sure, you keep on judging.

Well these cheaters oughta know what constitutes shit, since that's exactly what they are

I remember back in 2002 or 2003, the Xbox website listed Metroid Prime as coming to Xbox. Somebody had basically created a listing either out of wishful thinking or as a joke, and somehow it made it to the live website. Obviously it was never going to happen short of a buyout, but someone still created the listing,

Ah, okay, that’s the sort of thing I was lumping under “incidental success”. Sometimes the worst time to try to organize action against a game is when it has new content coming out.

Every now and then, some Che Guevara-wannabe on Reddit writes some impassioned “Guardians of the system, unite! Throw off your chains!” manifesto on the Destiny boards that sounds very similar to the original #NoApexAugust Reddit post mentioned here. They’re met almost universally with ‘lol, lmao’, ‘touch grass’, and

I also got this impression while reading the article. It seems (I haven’t played it) that the critique comes not from overtly stating anything, but rather from making the player feel things and think about the inherent contradiction. Juxtaposition of conflicting themes is often done to illustrate that, yes, reality

His struggle for relevance is hilarious.

Ok I’ll take the L in the rest of these comments but I won’t stand for this one. I am not and will NEVER be a “good people on both sides” person. Fuck that horrible noise.

On a related note, all those meme images of some character pointing a gun at the meme’s viewer should be considered death threats. I will not be taking questions.


This game is great for rewatching a Star Trek series in the background.

You know that’s not a Fortnite dance, right? That’s the Gangnam Style dance which was popular YEARS before Fortnite even existed.

Fuck this guy and everything he does.

God this motherfucker ruins everything he touches.