As with everything, futurama did it.
As with everything, futurama did it.
quite right. I ended up dropping more than I planned on a mission workshop bag with a lifetime warranty and couldn't be happier with it.
anyone used both this and rapportive and have a thought as to which is better?
also try rolling the ball on the rubber sole of your shoe, which usually provides enough friction to jar the ball free from the dried ink.
Anyone who has not seen Helvetica and thinks they like design is truly missing out.
Zinc Oxide? ZnO?
Is it noteworthy that the site is written by Mark Zuckerberg's Sister? Also, why is she on OkCupid?
I read that he was reading tweets people were sending him and freestyling from them? Can someone who actually listens to BEP or cares confirm that this are actual lyrics to that song to debunk the rumor?
holy shit it just took me 90 seconds to buffer a 17 second video, on a 20mbit connection, maybe the world really is ending
Did anyone get reminded of starship troopers when watching this?
yep, and a lot of the work is done at/with MIT's media lab. It's really interesting and usually involves just store-bought parts.
You guys should provide some back story on Johnny and the work he did with MIT's Media Lab. I'm sure you've featured much of it here before too...
Best name for a pdf 'trimmer'.....ever?
@zeroprime: slow clap
@toFear13: It doesn't look like any of those things to me. It looks like Alf.
Just an update for anyone reading, the magazine, Cooks Source, has gone belly up as a result: []
I used chocolate syrup instead of cornstarch as the thickener, less mess and tastes even better, plus you get a nice natural brown hue. Also, golden syrup is simply "corn syrup" here in the US, though what I bought wasn't as thick as his.
what's this have over kayak?