
Casino Royale was pretty cleary influenced by the Bourne movies and your connection to Ronin makes sense (as well as Run Lola Run which Liman has claimed was a massive influence).

US Marshals is solid until the twist. They shouldnt have tried the 'We're hunting an innocent man!?' gimmick again.

Also The Underworld movies.

The first Blade works so well because of how simple its premise is-its basically just a 'protect the witness' movie with a cyber punk vampire aesthetic. With Blade 2 i guess Del Toro and Goyer were going for some sort of Shakespearean drama? They made their main character a side character but replaced him with far

The Mask Of Zorro is maybe the best example of just how much damage a bad sequel can do.

one of the all time great trailers though

Broken Arrow was a hit.

It being a tv movie really hurts it.

Blade is a better movie and more influential BUT Armageddon is a perfect timecapsule of 1998 cinema.

And his terrible miscasting. Really? this is the actor you pick to go up against Robin Hood?

in both cases R ratings would have helped immensely

The 3rd movie has Frances McDormand Leonard Nimoy and Rosie Huntington Whitely to balance it out. Part 2 doesnt.


The Negotiator's big fault (other than the hairpieces) is not committing to Jackson's character killing JT Walsh. It tries to have its cake and eat it to when it would have been much better as morally grey.

De Niro is so amazing in that movie.

'Cage was, at this point, new to the whole action-hero thing.'

The movie youre looking for is Swordfish.

Think of how many prestige cable dramas he would have been on by this point. Dude would have raked in the Emmys.

Female version is Jennifer Lawrence and Kristen Stewart

You know Hollywood is in a bad place when no one has pitched a Gosling/Gordon Levitt version of this.