
TDK is also a sequel!

'Its like I told my first wife-I never drive faster than I can see and anyway its all in the reflexes.'

Even Commando?

Samantha Mathis out Winona Rydering Winona Ryder-im all for it.

'It's a weird movie, because there is essentially no plot…just a hunt.'

'If it bleeds…We can kill it…'


He spent to much time tracking the steel drums for Commando?

I think its interesting that straight LoveCraft adaptions are uniformly terrible (Dagon being the exception).

'Then why dont you put her incharge???'

I posted on another topic I cant even wrap my head around seeing that in the theater when it came out. Ditto Carpenters The Thing.

Its because at his core Camerons a great storyteller. All of the technique just enhances it.

'Smells like a BEN GAY factory in here!'

Also TMNT was originally not for kids in its comic incarnation. And the first movie has a really dark vibe that seems odd for a childrens movie too.

Lone Wolf McQuad is Norris' best flick.

If anything the kid subplot should be derided for us not getting more Turner

even weirder fashion choice really

'Ernie Reyes Jr.'

And he aids a young hero (The Feral Boy) in journeying from one world to another.

Technically its The Feral Boys story, about how he (and by extension civilization) came back from the abyss.