I was shocked how somewhat decent D13 was when i randomly watched it on netflix.
I was shocked how somewhat decent D13 was when i randomly watched it on netflix.
Shes a national treasure.
Id watch them in that too.
Im still waiting for her to become a huge star. Its gotta be coming right?
Yeah, Id watch Hall and Suds eat dinner for an hour and a half. But this movie? I dont know.
Especially when none of them are The Chief from Where in the World Is Carmen San Diego.
I was gonna say 'the sixth sense effect' but i like yours better.
Now i want Watson in the next season of True Detective.
'creepy demonic horror movie' + Emma Watson. Whadya need a map???
'It was an ambitious approach that distinguished the show at the start but fell apart as the mythology became more and more convoluted, spinning into total nonsense by the end.'
I…really dont find this surprising at all. Explains JJLs great reaction.
Christina Hendricks as Madame Hydra in season 3. MUST HAPPEN!!
Marvel TV and Marvel Studios dont like each other, supposedly. I think bringing Caulson back to life was the start of it.
or he could just be dr strange
With Evans in a fedora as the confused straight man.
Also, unless im wrong, her family is really wealthy so she didnt have a financial motivation to keep her career going.
Yup she needs a director to let her go full bore crazy for a whole movie. Just look how well it turne dout for JJL in Hateful 8.
Alternate theory-Ryder has a broader more 'old school' style of charisma acting that went out of vogue in the late 90s-2000s. I see her and Carla Gugino as female analogues to actors like Timothy Olyphant and Jon Hamm-they would have been huge stars in the mid 20th century, but theyre relegated to supporting roles and…
*Jennifer Jason Leigh cuts off Kurt Russels hand with a machete*
Im calling it now-theres a solid chance Ill cry when Cap brings Peggy back w/ the gauntlet in the third act of Infinity War 2