Ive always felt he got the closest to this at the end of That Thing You Do!. His Mr White character has been the helpful mentor to the band for the whole movie, but when Schaech quits he becomes a stone cold business man.
Ive always felt he got the closest to this at the end of That Thing You Do!. His Mr White character has been the helpful mentor to the band for the whole movie, but when Schaech quits he becomes a stone cold business man.
Same thing happened with me and James Spader. The first thing I saw him in was Stargate where he plays a sweet nerdy everyman. Its always jarring to see him as a physcotic weirdo in everything else.
I mean the first 30 seconds alone
'followed by a 1 hr+ conversation between Spielberg and Martin Scorsese, which was fantastic.'
Id say the same for Lincoln though.
'the mission-of-principle ofSaving Private Ryan meets the quick-footed mid-century intrigue of Catch Me If You Can in Lincoln’s smoke-filled, curtains-drawn back rooms of government.' Is this meant to be a dis? Cause those are 3 of the best films of Spielberg or any one elses career.
Nope, the best version would be Tori singing with Jawbox
'he was forced to accept Paul Newman and Julie Andrews as his stars' hahahahahahah
I would replace 'female' with 'more interesting'
What next, bring back Rubicon?
'The Strongest MAN….in the World!'
Uwe Boll style Georgia tax incentive loophole?
Anyo ne that can act and look that good in ridiculous 80s clothes is fine by me.
You only need season 2 of HACF
Ive never seen a show do a complete U turn story wise making what were essentially the first season love interests the second season stars.
That confirms it-Zac Whedon has blackmail photos of everyone at AMC. And hates Bryan Fuller fans apparently.
But hes an ARTIST MAAAN. he even has a beard!
(Listens to late 60s self help record)