Space Wanderer

Yes but they do it in 10 episode chunks usually with a brief break in between. So I guess its not technically season finale, but seeing as they are essentially rebooting it with Cudi, it might as well be.

They moved the show to a new day and time like a day ago. I only knew of this because I follow Scott on twitter. It really makes no sense considering there is only one more episode to the season. I would say its bad news for the show but it's already been renewed so…

Yeah it is. The video episodes are how I got into improv4humans. I would totally pay for a monthly Earwolf subscriber thing that had video podcasts. I know Never Not Funny does something like that so it could be worth it.

Mm, speak on that.

I liked it. It wasn't that funny and Adam Goldberg's character seems pretty bad, but it has potential.

It's definitely up to Louie. Writing, directing, editing and acting in an episode is a lot of work. I'd rather have less episodes than him taking another year off.

I've been listening to episodes of HH for the last few weeks, but I've never really understood the Pro Version stuff. Do people actually buy something?

Close. She was on Fargo, but as the chief's wife.

I do think it is a bit strange that she is grading the show on how stand alone this is from Breaking Bad. Its kind of an impossible thing to quantify. Plus, I'd wager 95% of the audience has watched BrBa.

It's very good. And also funny and cool and smart. I started listening to it the last couple of weeks. It's got a vibe unlike anything else. I avoided because lampooning Hollywood culture is easy and overdone but the two are great together, and it's always fun to see how the guests react.

Your mistake is comparing this show to Breaking Bad. For the first time in forever I feel as though I am invested in these characters. Thats all I can really hope from this show and its thanks to these "filler" episodes.

What is NOT filler in your opinion? This show is either people traveling towards a safe place or people currently in a safe place. Right now they are in a place that has brung out actually interesting character dynamics.

It is amazing how much I like these characters and this show when there is actual humor and levity involved.

No, it's just that they are not very comparable shows. If you like rapid-fire jokes? You'll like 30 Rock more. You like hanging out with well-developed characters? You'll like P&R more. Their tone and what they tried to accomplish were completely different. They are both the best in their respected comedy niche.

But they told me I smell bad and to go away. This is all I have man!

Yes, lets fight about what is the better of two of some of the best comedies of all time. Two of which aimed to do completely different things. Real productive way to spend time.

I'd like to say thank you to NBC for realizing its own incompetence.

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It was recorded Monday Feb 23rd based on the date on the computers on the episode pics.

This show, in the way it is structured so far, would work really well in the Netflix style binge watch.