Baberaham Lincoln

I’ve seen this info in passing, but your endorsement has me intrigued. I’m in a happy communicative marriage — so very lucky on that front. My area for improvement is with my female friendships. I live like one of those women who says, “It’s just easier to be friends with men than women,” except I WANT and ENJOY

^ This right here. There is no non-chain Mexican food around where I live. All of it is about the same level of shitty. 

You’re a better friend than I am. By now I would have snapped and said something like ‘what you’re really scared of is losing the dopamine high of feeling like you’re Very Important to him’.

At 3AM, though?

Thank you so much for this.  Honestly, I feel like a weight has been lifted off of me now that I can put a name to it.  Really, thank you.

I don’t think anyone anywhere is ever really cross-shopping real Mexican food and Taco Bell like they’re interchangeable.

It’s weird how badly we want what we can’t have.

To be honest, I don’t know if it ever goes away? I am happily married with 2 kids and a great life - and still think about the low life from Ireland who used me for a whole summer and randomly messages me on social media, or the metal head who left me for “some lesbian at work” who wasn’t actually a lesbian because

James has become your stand-in for perfection, a state that is hard to envision unless it is shrunk to the dimensions of a person, place, or thing.

Right? I always went to Del Taco when I lived in SoCal.

It is common knowledge that harassment and assault targeting women occur at obscenely high rates in EVERY field. You can, quite literally, pick any job (White or Blue collar) and be “shocked” at the extremely high rates of harassment and assault.

Fuck. Off.

This whole thing feels like something you’d expect to find on late 2000s era Tumblr. You know, that phase of self-defeating attempts to be more performatively progressive than the next person also being performatively progressive...

Why are you like this?

I have no opinion on Chrissy Teigen, but I agree with the rest of your post. By all means, leave or take breaks from the site if you need to, but there’s no need for any kind of statement. The lack of participation speaks for itself, and someone like Chrissy Teigen is going to have ample opportunity to say why she

seriously. I wish I was a high enough level of don’t-give-a-fuck to comment ‘NO ONE CARES’ on those people’s posts. people who pull that shit make me feel a bizarre combination of futile anger and secondhand embarrassment... ugh

I follow her and enjoy some of her content, but I do always get a vibe of like “I absolutely cannot function without the validation of others” sometimes. I’m also a little uncomfortable with how much social media exposure her kids get from her. I get that she’s a mom and she adores them, but sometimes I think we

I’m with you.  She’s not to my taste.  Yes, harmless and cute, but too thirsty and dorky for me.  This move does not surprise me in the least!!!  She simply is parched. 

Justin Theroux is alone in NYC looking for friendships you say...

They’re moving too quickly. It seems that they were in the mid-90s just a few months ago. If they keep up this pace, they’re going to be wearing the dreaded skinny jeans by year’s end.