Baberaham Lincoln

Haha thank you. I really cannot stand the “poor people/fat people are so dumb and irresponsible that they must be tricked into eating healthy food by people like me who know better otherwise they’ll ruin this great nation with their horrible fatness” flavor of this garbage discourse. A bunch of clueless rich chodes

LOL noooo shit. Nobody who really wants a donut is gonna opt for rice cakes instead, and nobody who really wants to stick to their uptight strict healthy diet will eat a donut just because it’s free.

Yeah so the problem is Krispy Kreme doesn’t sell fresh fruit or veggies — the vast majority of fast food establishments don’t. Krispy Kreme sells literally one thing and it’s donuts, so what the fuck else are they going to be able to offer as an incentive? And like you said in another thread, many people lack access

This time Hammer’s lawyers seem to take special care to cast doubt on Effie’s story, writing that her accusation makes it harder for “real victims of sexual violence” to get justice.

Every time I think about Merrick Garland I want to fucking scream.

Exactly. It was a compliment, not an insult, which is how it was received. 

lmao no, it’s not. Literally nobody cares about him calling Melania a “trophy wife,” and everyone, even the most christiany of christians knows that’s what she is. Right wing christians — which is the group we’re discussing here — don’t tell themselves any polite fictions, and they don’t love Trump despite his

Yeahhhhh I think you’re overstating both evangelicals’ critical thinking skills (leaders included), and their adherence to anything remotely moral, ethical, or biblical.

They know exactly what kind of man Trump is — they don’t care (at best) and love it (at worst). They didn’t “pretend to forget” anything, they just

Nah, people are upset because they’re using sexist hate speech as hackey clickbait to sell burgers, not because they didn’t get the joke. The two tweets could have easily been combined as one, which would not have been nearly as bad and would maaaayyyybe lend a sliver of credibility to their claim that they just

Yeah that reaction was a little extra and a lot ironic. They could have at least waited for you to clarify before flying off the gd handle but way to demonstrate exactly what you were talking about lol.

It is SO confusing and hard to keep up with. Part of this is because it’s a new virus and we’re learning new things every day; part of this is because we’ve mostly been led by an administration that was hellbent on politicizing a national health emergency, intentionally obfuscating as much accurate information as

I don’t think they’re defending anti-maskers, I think they’re describing scenarios in which shamers use evidence-based science to advocate for one behavior while ignoring evidence-based science to shame for another behavior.

For the low, low price of $24.99 it can be yours! It even comes with a (boring-ass dumb ol’ plain white) lightbulb.

Whoaaaaa. It took me like 5 min to figure out how that thing is a lamp lol.

I stuck my colored bulbs in these bad boys from Ikea, and they look sick.

I absolutely love the thought of Trump being in any sort of awkward or difficult position, but the problem is I think most people on their side know it wasn’t “antifa,” even if they’re insisting otherwise. It’s a strategy. They’re being willfully obtuse and disingenuous to create chaos and distract from what happened.

If it makes you feel any better, as a single woman in my mid-30s who has no choice but to work (even though I actually like my job), I find myself jealous of people who are able to drop out of the workforce because their partner can support them financially. Hell, I find myself jealous of people with a partner

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again — anyone who’s big time obsessed with child molesters is suspect as fuck.

Yeah but sometimes people who aren’t white steal stuff from a Target, so, you know, it evens out.

You can also lock a note with a password. (Don’t ask me why I know this.)