
Actually, you should feel bad for Lady Gaga the cat. She over grooms because her previous owner was killed by her boyfriend over the summer. Then Lady Gaga had to go to a foster home where the other cats bullied her. Then she had to move to another state to live with me. Immediately after the move she was fixed. She

I have a cat named Lady Gaga. She has to wear pajamas because of her over grooming. You can feel bad for her. And also think she is adorable.

Thanks so much for your kindness and for the link. I will absolutely check them out. Thanks, internet buddy <3 

Hey, what you’re feeling is valid! Your gut check on dumping white feelings into the laps/inboxes of POC is also valid, and coming from the right place. Things may be uncomfortable, with only little bits of validation here and there when you know you’re doing something good/right, but we can handle discomfort. If pain

Thanks for your work and commitment, it must be very scary. Especially since many people all over this article are saying everyone has been evacuated already and there is no one left to worry about except people who “deserve it.” So I hope you and your patients who cannot evacuate are safe from harm. Bright Blessings.

Thanks for what you are doing and stay safe!

People like you are heroes. I hope you and your patients make it through safely and with the minimum of distress and discomfort.

Don’t feed the troll. I replied to him with a similar comment and his reply was “Tl;dr.” Dismissed. Let’s hope he doesn’t need a nurse anytime soon, or he should hope he comes across one of us who is professional enough to do our job even with asshole patients.

I’m just shocked she has face tattoos. SHOCKED!

rude 2 bbq chips

Is it The Trojan Women? Cause I could totally see that.

Mental health care. That’s what you need. Not prayers.

My money is on Kris’s hairdresser

I kind of love Kathryn. I mean, she’s obviously in love with Thomas (which, honey. No.) and she seems to be trying to make some kind of family work for them. Especially as the seasons gone on and it’s clear that the people being assholes to her are horrid human beings. She needs to be %10000 harder of Thomas, he’s 53

Nope! Midwestern. I lived in New Orleans and Asheville for a bit, but those are nice little bubbles of blue down there. It just killed me how he demonizes Kathryn for having “a baby out of wedlock”, but the same does not apply to his good old boy Thomas. I am not surprised by this, but it angered me enough to really

I’m not saying you made a mockery; I’m just trying to explain. JFK Jr. wasn’t just a random famous rich person. A lot of people had affection for him and felt sorry for him from the time he was 3 years old. So when he died, people felt sad. Because they felt they knew him. If God forbid something happened to our

That’s only because you’re not old enough to remember three-year old John-John saluting at his father’s funeral.

In the clip shown up above Jules doesn’t know what a whisk is. This must be an act. She’s so dull maybe Andy told her, “OK, you’re really bringing nothing to the franchise, so how about if once an episode you claim complete ignorance of very common things. Like, what am I holding in my hand?”

I felt like I was looking at a her circulatory system.