
That man also adopted Eddie after he was grown, say, in his early 20's.

Print is a dying medium. I can’t believe this is a serious business. I don’t know of anyone under 50 who reads a physical magazine.

Totally OT, but bugging the hell out of me: how did you make the ‘not equal’ character on your keyboard? I must know! Thanks :-)

You don’t know me because I rarely post. But I’ve always enjoyed your comments and it’s good to see you back! 🥂

Fatal to a dog or cat, because a lot of folks can’t afford the antivenin required to save the pet. Sometimes, even in human medicine, we can’t locate enough antivenin to save a limb. We get maybe 15-20 copperhead bite victims in our ED per year. Some have died later in ICU. It’s not always just the bite and the

Copperheads travel in pairs. To avenge one another. That’s aggression squared.

Well then, you’ve been lucky. You said above if you are close enough to kill them, they are close enough to bite you. Ok.

I believe they meant to say “analog cigarettes.”

Misquoted or misspelled, or something. The term is “analog cigarettes” referring to combustible cigarettes. I presume.

I’m a critical care RN practicing 21 years. I’ve also taken care of both my parents in hospice.

Egg white powder. That’s what makes an Orange Julius foamy. But I think you’re on to something! Off to dig out my blender...


Oh good! Glad your star collection came out unscathed. I’m on Safari on my iPad, if it makes a difference.

Trying to give you a star, and as I press it the number actually goes *down*! Sorry if that’s affected things adversely. Trying to reverse it made it worse. Any idea what’s going on with Kinja?

Your wish is granted.

I know this is 6 years old, but as a CCRN in CVICU I had to corroborate your post. I know I’m no infusion tech, but I do my share of transfusions on pts with various coagulopathies on ASA therapy. Thanks for putting your proverbial foot up her backside! It was very much indicated!

I’m just a simple internet user. I don’t pretend to understand this further than, “my personal data and finances are at risk.” Can someone tell me what I need to do here? Use a password manager? If so, can someone recommend one? Thanks so much!

I live in Atlanta and I read some of the blogs from these parts. Mama Joyce would say I been hearing it in the streets, but I prefer to say that I have my finger on the pulse, as it were. So, ‘Straight from the A’ has it on good authority that Matt is hired by Kenya and subsequently paid to do X or Y damage to this or

I don’t know about there being any conjugal visit. As far as I know, there are no conjugal visits for federal prison.

Hush yo’ mouth!