
Ugh Cameran..... I thought I liked you. She has become such a fake suck up to Patricia and Whitney. She was truly hateful to Katherine when she called to invite her to lunch. Who acts that way? And for what? Katherine has never wronged Cameran. I know people like her who scratch and claw up the social ladder and step

NJ is so dark to me. Seems wrong almost, to watch a real family go at each other with such fervor. The stakes seem higher on NJ because of the prison arc with the Guidices. It really makes me sad. But BD-Med and Southern Charm make for delightful antidotes to the sinister feel of the NJ story.

According to the WaPo article, they both have had a few brushes with the law, so there should be some fingerprints for comparison.

If I’m not mistaken, Armenians are most literally Caucasian by virtue of geography. Armenia is situated within the Caucasus Mountain Range. So, I'm positing that she is indeed considered White.

Starred simply for “seasoned dicksmith.”

Thank you for helping me with that wierd little sponge. Being wet (moist?... hurk) I wonder if it invites microbes more than a regular sponge that dries out quickly.

About that Konjac sponge... I got one in a sub box and I was so excited to try it. I pulled it out of the packaging, and all I can nicely say is it’s, um, off putting in texture. I did try it though but I’m not sure I’m doing it in the intended manner. It doesn’t seem to be doing anything special. Any tips for best

I care.... :-)

I just finished Nurse Jackie. Seven seasons..... I’m a nurse in recovery so I was intrigued. So good that I barely came up for air. Five stars.


You’re welcome. I’d love nothing more than for more people to be educated and to educate themselves about the business of dying in the hospital. Please make your wishes known and document them with the appropriate legal form. There's nothing shittier and more heartrending than a child having to make those decisions

DNR is a decision usually arrived at by physicians and family in conjunction. Every now and then, as in terminal cases such as cancer, a patient may declare him/herself DNR. In my experience a DNR is almost always respected, but I have seen family, in the heat of passion, ask for resuscitation when the time comes

Oh I get it! Tummy kisses are rare to come by and are strictly regulated. It’s kisses the belly only once or it gets the teeth again....

Speaking as a Critical Care RN in Georgia, even if you have a living will, it rarely is considered when deciding plan of care. In my experience, (22 years at the bedside), family, namely the next of kin, can override your wishes. Plus, a living will asks you to name a health care proxy. They are not beholden to carry

Such a pretty kitteh! I want to use her fuzzy belly as a pillow. Is that so wrong?....

Oh, I have a soft spot for an orange cat with a cream cheese belly. I want to nuzzle the cream cheese! If it’s wrong, I don't wanna be right.

True. Whitney Sudler-Smith has been EP from the start. He was the one to bring all the others on à la Kyle on BH. Notice he never has his own storyline yet he’s always trashing the others in his confessionals. He’s an EP- AND he gets to work with his nasty, hypocritical poseur of a Mommy? What fun!

Steven Tyler is looking kinda fab lately

Sadly, I must report that I live in SAVANNAH, GEORGIA and our McD’s here don't serve country ham either. It's a grave mistake. I must drive the extra 10 mi to Bojangles if I need summa that salty goodness.

Ugh, “my journey,” the most insufferable word/phrase in the current lexicon that I can think of. I have never felt, in my life, that I was on any kind of #journey- even when I drive cross-country by myself. It’s gotten particularly annoying in light of Yolanda Hadid-Foster-Hadid with her Lyme disease