
Oh, I have a soft spot for an orange cat with a cream cheese belly. I want to nuzzle the cream cheese! If it’s wrong, I don't wanna be right.

True. Whitney Sudler-Smith has been EP from the start. He was the one to bring all the others on à la Kyle on BH. Notice he never has his own storyline yet he’s always trashing the others in his confessionals. He’s an EP- AND he gets to work with his nasty, hypocritical poseur of a Mommy? What fun!

Steven Tyler is looking kinda fab lately

Sadly, I must report that I live in SAVANNAH, GEORGIA and our McD’s here don't serve country ham either. It's a grave mistake. I must drive the extra 10 mi to Bojangles if I need summa that salty goodness.

Ugh, “my journey,” the most insufferable word/phrase in the current lexicon that I can think of. I have never felt, in my life, that I was on any kind of #journey- even when I drive cross-country by myself. It’s gotten particularly annoying in light of Yolanda Hadid-Foster-Hadid with her Lyme disease

I see what you did their.

If it gets into your craw too too much there’s a Chrome extension or app or whatever that you can get that will change every baby pic in your feed into a cat pic! What a time to be alive! It’s glorious. I don’t necessarily *hate* baby pics, but I strenuously prefer cat pics.

So it’s just gonna be a meat free-for-all up in this bitch? I’m appalled!

Au Contraire, mon amie! I thought it was a riot, laughed out loud at my desk at work and had to explain myself. Sadly, the content of this article didn’t go over all that well with the folks I gotta work with. I appreciate this Jez place and its inappropriate humor. I’ve found my people!

Sadly, that’s made of lamb- and/or mutton.

The “kids” lol. The KIDS. Haha, get it?? :-/

I cannot see how one could conclude he died of “myocardial infarction” in the absence of an autopsy. It’s literally (literally literally) impossible to declare it was a heart attack unless the blood is immediately tested for presence of Troponin I (an enzyme produced when myocardium suffers insult) or in autopsy by

It’s going to be ok. I'm here for you. It's Larsa Pippin. BREATHE...

Larsa Pippin. I know this cause she was one of the Real Housewives of Miami before that shitshow was canned by Bravo.

That’s Larsa Pippin (Scottie Pippin’s wife), supposedly Kim’s bestie.

I’m a long time lurker Andrade commenter, but pretty sure I’m not a troll (ungrey me please! :-) I will surely miss you and your posts. Well, except for the Rosebud travesty. The article was riveting, but now I can’t use my Rosebud Salve lip balm without picturing, you know, a prolapsed anus, so it’s kinda in the

She wasn’t actually wearing pasties on the show. Jez added them in (censorship?) when they posted the screencap.

Oh, well. Yes, Lyrica is very expensive. I still pay $75 for 30-days-worth (100 caps, 1 cap 3xday). I'll be happy the day it's patent is expired and there's a generic available. I do think it has a bit of a euphoric effect and that could trigger an addictive response in someone predisposed to addiction. However, I

Sadly, some of the parents of these children are indigent. They likely don’t even have a checking account. I think child lunches should be paid for with our taxes that are allocated to the public education system. Children should not have to bring money to school to have a simple, nutritious, hot lunch.

For me, that phrase, “child unable to afford lunch” hurts my heart. Children should not be compelled to “afford” anything. Children should be provided for, full stop.