
I love the story, but starred mainly for the use of the name “Ray.” That was my Daddy’s name. Made me smile/cry. Thank you. :)

Sadly, people will watch more intently because they gotta see how this fiasco shakes out. Schadenfreude, train wreck, sick fascination, etc.

Oh yeah, and they don’t pay fucking taxes because their home is a church and their fucking walk with sky god is a ministry aaaaaack!!!!1!

Yes! Thorazine! With all their scripted catchphrases. Much blessed, very encourage, so Jesus. Wow

Julie, you have hit the nail on the head, and very succinctly articulated my feelings in the matter. I'm unable to articulate right now due to the fiery rage I'm flailing around in . Bleccccchhhh!

Haha, Church has you just where she want you. You don’t even realize she runs the show. She’s a benevolent dictator, but a dictator nonetheless. No need to be violent when the dog will do her bidding. Just ask Team Cat HQ. I’m sure they have an edict to this effect on file.

Church looks like she's bout to fuck you up. I am very familiar with that glare- my Pooterbear wears it often. And I tremble in fear for my hemoglobin level.

Mmmm, ravioli. Thank for the reply!

Wow, really? He seems cool and he’s quite the looker imo. What was he like? I’m intrigued....

This result simply cannot be justified. Flicked a hair tie? TRIED to punch him? No, just no.

started simply for “mah babeh.”

I think that's the joke. :)

On both time change nights, we at my hospital get paid for 12 hrs, no matter +1hr or -1hr. That way they avoid paying everyone an hour overtime one day a year. Slick, huh?

Until 0645, when half the day shift doesn't show because they "didn't realize" DST was that night. So you're stuck there, til you can give report to someone. Aaarrgghhhh.

I just can't deal with any of this dickery until I sort out the picture posted above the article. It appears the woman is in a nurse's uniform while also wearing a chef's hat. Seems at odds. Although I do think, thanks to the pic, I may have a solution to the marital discord. I can elaborate, but I doubt I need to. ;-)

omg me too!!! I loved those for the little yellow sour bits inside. I've been trying to find a serviceable replica to those cookies for decades now, to no avail! savannah smiles come closer than any others so far, but still no. finally, someone who shares my struggle!

We have an Ethics Board, and that is their function, sort of, at my hospital. But they have to be consulted. Usually ethics is consulted when nursing disagrees with the physician's gameplan (morally/ethically-speaking) or we can't get the family to see the writing on the wall and it impacts the pt adversely.

I am TheSnowcat, RN, BSN, CCRN and I approve this message.

As government officials, they're not looking at the medical picture- which is really the only picture when it comes down to it. A brain dead person can be kept legally alive by artificial means, but that's hell on a fetus. Mom's organs will fail inevitably and infection will set in. Not exactly optimal nutrition being

No thanks required. It truly is my pleasure. I know that it sounds corny, but nursing is my calling in life.