
omg me too!!! I loved those for the little yellow sour bits inside. I've been trying to find a serviceable replica to those cookies for decades now, to no avail! savannah smiles come closer than any others so far, but still no. finally, someone who shares my struggle!

We have an Ethics Board, and that is their function, sort of, at my hospital. But they have to be consulted. Usually ethics is consulted when nursing disagrees with the physician's gameplan (morally/ethically-speaking) or we can't get the family to see the writing on the wall and it impacts the pt adversely.

I am TheSnowcat, RN, BSN, CCRN and I approve this message.

As government officials, they're not looking at the medical picture- which is really the only picture when it comes down to it. A brain dead person can be kept legally alive by artificial means, but that's hell on a fetus. Mom's organs will fail inevitably and infection will set in. Not exactly optimal nutrition being

No thanks required. It truly is my pleasure. I know that it sounds corny, but nursing is my calling in life.

My heart goes out to you. I'm sorry you are in the position of even having to entertain those thoughts. It's so painful to watch our parents/grandparents get old and sick. We have to assume the role of caretaker and it just feels so wrong. Alas, here we are.

"Would be a vegetable" is wholly different than someone already in a vegetative state. Further, there is also a lot of room between brain dead and vegetative state.

Good on you for being in nursing school! I hope you love it. I've been nursing 19 yrs, and I can't imagine doing anything else.

Comment sections are rife with fucktards usually.

i should add that she was in the hospital just over four years. Never transferred out or discharged anywhere, just moved from unit to floor, floor to unit, over and over. Four fucking years.

A dr I know once said, "prayer belongs in the waiting room, not the bedside."

I agree. If they take her home to care for, which I doubt, they'll have to hire full time nursing care. I'm sure they can afford that. But in sure you've seen the state of pt's skin when they come into ICU after "home care." Decubiti EVERYWHERE. Sometimes families just don't understand how much physical work it is.

If she is brain dead, as many reports indicate, she isn't in a coma to come out of. She's dead, and physicians are not bound to continue providing care for a dead person. Many doctors I know refuse to do so. Messy situation to put nurses in.

there's a loophole though. In my state, Georgia, living wills and DPOA mean jack. Family can, and do, override them regularly. In GA, they're not worth the paper they're written on. Frequently we consult an Ethics Board, but that's just for show also. A family member with an axe to grind can keep you alive, but in

so they placed a trach. Next a peg tube (permanent feeding tube in stomach)I'm sure. This is not a good thing at all IMO. Looks like they're going to let her be in a vegetative state indefinitely. Prob will be placed in a long term care facility. This makes me sad, and angry at the same time. I'm sorry BK, but you're

Dear Headquarters,

Well bless your heart Mark, (btw, I'm a lurker who really digs your posts), cause it's 43*F here in Savannah, GA. It's so fracking cold, I had to close the patio door and the kitteh is pissed she no longer has access to the out-of-doors. I feel bad for you both. :-(

Lol... They are both available at ulta or sephora. Top notch products, but iirc they're about $20.00 U.S. Good news is I've had them both a couple years and it's just now i need to replenish. You only need a tad. ✌️😃

As a former makeup artist, I've got to suggest, nay, demand, that you use a eyelid primer even if you're not going to wear shadow. Keeps the lid dry and eliminates creasing of shadow, pencils, whatever. Two of my favorites, Two Faced Shadow Insurance and Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion in Original. Go forth and be

Critical Care RN here. If someone is found down, is successfully resuscitated, but does not wake up neurologically intact, that calls for "therapeutic hypothermia." We will cool the pt down to 32 degrees centigrade for a prescribed amount of time, usually 18-24 hrs, then slowly rewarm them to normal, ~37 degrees. This